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olniuxniuxʔo⁵⁵nʲo̠⁴⁴nʲo̠⁴⁴🔊LOC SPATIAL方位tip; top/tóu/Sixzzei olniuxniux leil ngax yarzi noxr he. 树头上很喜欢停鸟。Birds like to perch in the tops of trees.1. For plants /olniuxniux/ or /ollele/ can be used to indicate the top. The plants don't have to be tall trees, a person can point at the top of a small potted plant and use the word /ollele/ or /olniuxniux/. For other items, like the top of a building or something like that, only /ollele/ can be used. This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". 这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见dexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasikukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeir leilyozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezzarolniuxniux ʔo⁵⁵nʲo̠⁴⁴nʲo̠⁴⁴
olnolddoʔo⁵⁵no⁵⁵-do³³🔊adj.wise智慧/zhìhuì/Compare 另见olnoldduolnoxddu ʔo⁵⁵no̠⁴⁴-dɤ³³
olnolddu ʔo⁵⁵no⁵⁵-dɤ³³adj.wise智慧/zhìhuì/Aniux ddox zzizzi a vaer du lei a, yarzi seir, yarzi olnolddu, Arbosobo yoxl yar leil seir lol. 孩子慢慢地长大了,很好,很有智慧,上帝又赐福给他。(The) child slowly grew up, very good, very wise, (and) God also blessed him.1. The word /olnol/ is a variation of the word /olnoxr/ 'brain'.olnolddu ~ olnolddo.Compare 另见olnolddoolnoxrolnoxddu ʔo⁵⁵no̠⁴⁴-dɤ³³
olnoxrʔo⁵⁵no̠ʔ²¹🔊n.brain脑子/nǎozi/Ca hal ddei veixr olnoxr zzor meixr. 那个人很喜欢吃猪脑子。That person really likes to eat pig brain.Compare 另见olnoldduolnox ʔo⁵⁵no̠⁴⁴
olperʔo⁵⁵pʰɯ²¹🔊n.melon/guā/Olper mel ye seir a nor arnar, vaer ho a mel gex a, zzor-nr-ci a. 瓜只是小的时候嫩,大了就硬不好吃了。Though the melon is soft when it is small, after it is big it is hard, (and) does not taste good.olper ʔo⁵⁵pʰɯ²¹
oltex ʔo⁵⁵tʰə̠⁴⁴ wrap包头的布/bāotóu de bù/Ngua Mixbbaex ddei oltex mel neixlneix armel a, yel arpirmar larnei neixl meixr. 我们马游的包头布是黑色的,所以老人才喜欢包。The hair wraps we have in Mayou are black, so only the old women like to tie (them around their head).1. This is a head-wrap that is worn every day by elderly women. It is normally black but when grieving they exchange the black one for a white one. 这是老一代的每天所戴的包头的布。普通情形之下是黑色,但哀伤的时候改戴白色的包头布。oltex ~ eltex.Compare 另见eltexxiux'oltexoltux ʔo⁵⁵tʰɤ̠⁴⁴saejimo sæ³³tʃi³³mo³³
olvaer ʔo⁵⁵væ²¹adj.arrogant; proud得意/déyì/Aniux cirmelmel a, camar yaa leil perniar a nr hie lei a, yarzi olvaer. 有一些孩子,老人关心他们,不骂他们,他们就很得意。Some children, since the adults love them (and) aren't willing to reprimand (them), (they) are very arrogant.Compare 另见cololvaer ʔo⁵⁵væ²¹
olzzir ʔo³³dzɿ²¹v.bow the head; hang the head低头/dītóu/Aniux eil ddei seixlda a, yel yar olzzir dae a. 这个孩子害羞,所以她头低着了。This child is shy, (s/he) just hangs (his/her) head.The word for bending the body or bowing at the waist is /olmer/. /olddetexl/ means to bow the head very low--maybe even down to the ground. This word /olzzir/ is to hang your head because you are shy or ashamed.Compare 另见golgolmerolddetexlolmerolzzir ʔo³³dzɿ²¹
omoʔo³³mo³³🔊n.shallow shell-shaped basket簸箕/bòji/Omo mel omossor lei zza. Omo mel gga mel, cirza-hanga loxlmoxr lexl cexr; omossor mel nael, loxlmoxr o cexr. 簸箕也有小的。簸箕里面可以晒各种粮食,小的簸箕可扬各种粮食。With the "omo" (baskets), there is also a small one. In the (large) "omo", it is possible to dry all kinds of grain in the sun; in the small "omo", the grain can be winnowed.The grain is winnowed using the 'omo'. The grain can be thrown up in the air or dropped to the ground. When the grain is thrown up in the air, the verb used is /o/. When the grain is dropped to the ground, the verb used is /he/.谷粒在一种平浅的篮子(叫做 /omo/)被簸扬。当谷粒被簸扬在空中,所用的动词是 /o/。当谷粒被洒在地上,所用的动词是 /he/。Compare 另见omossor
omo ʔo³³mo³³
omossorʔo³³mo³³zo²¹🔊n.shallow shell-shaped basket (small size)小簸箕/xiǎo bòji/Omossor mel loxlmoxr o cexr, loxlmoxr lei lexl cexr. 小簸箕可以簸粮食,也可以晒粮食。The "omossor" (basket) is used to winnow grain; (and) can be used for drying the grain in the sun.Compare 另见omoomossor ʔo³³mo³³zo²¹
or ʔo²¹INTERJOr, ni arggeni saelnei zzimu ssi ngo hol-nr-cir a. 哦,你明天才去赶街我忘了。Oh, I forgot it was tomorrow when you were going shopping.or ʔo²¹
oziʔo³³tsɿ³³🔊n.sieve with very tiny holes细细的筛子/xìxì de shāizi/Ozi sser a, nilme mel leil lei var zei ddo. 用筛子可以把灰筛下去。The sieve can be used to sift out even the fine dust.Compare 另见varvarlarjixxiu
oji ʔo³³tʃi³³

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