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request, ahin 2nprayer (a), request (a)Ta pah teʼ se keh hin a oah ta pah tah sën heʼ eah, a, eën se heʼ eom peʼ.If one person should ask you(s) for one thing (something) which you(s) can give to him, yes, you(s) must give him.
requesting, to behinhin 1vask (to continually)[asking], implore (to continually)[imploring], pray (to continually)[praying], request (to continually)[requesting]Eʼ to hinhin non e poaneah.He kept asking his clansman.
rescuing, to behehevrescue (to continually)[rescuing], take away from (to continually)[taking away from]Eöm se hehe ka mon pa pukpuk.You(p) will be rescuing the crocodile package.
reservekoekvkeep back (to), reserve (to)Eöm se nat nem koek nem to ötop, keʼ teʼ non.You(p) should not keep back any debt, then it remains.
residenceiuun 2nabode (an), building, home, house, residence,Ivaʼih a iuun peöʼ.This is my house.
resistvatösoe 1vbigheaded, (to be), disobey (to), disregard (to), resist (to), stubborn (to be)O teʼ varih to vatösoe voh ne, eöʼ e Sunön se veo eoʼ pee, kee nö ee pa vöön va po kamis teʼteʼ tamoaan.These people who were continually listening faraway (continually disobeying), the Lord will chase them, and they go to the place of continually forever suffering (eternal suffering).
resolutelyvakisadvfaithfully, firmly, hard, loudly, resolutely, strongly, wellE Jon to ep in o Jiuʼ varih to vavatet vakis ne sih a taateʼ pa kën sipun...John saw these Jews here who were strongly (strictly) following the custom (law) of the ancestors...
respectta 1vlook up (to), respect (to)Ta a teʼ sunön pën.Respect your chief.vasunönvhonour (to), important (to make), respect (to), worship (to)Emöm se vasunön nem e voe va po oeh vëh.We must respect the man of this ground.veanvfair (to be), honor (to), respect (to)A ma napan vean a teʼ sunön.The people respect the chief.vevean 1vrespect (to), stagger (to), stand in front of a stranger (to)O koaʼ hikta vevean rakah ne a ma soe pa kën voe.The child does indeed not respect the man's talk.Eöʼ to vevean rakah e noʼ pa nö peʼ a hanan to para rë.I indeed staggered because the road was very long.
respectablevevean 2adjrespectableE teʼ vevean se nö tahiʼ.The respectable man might go to the ocean.
responsible, to betariuk 1vman made (to be) ; responsible (to be) ; homemade (to be) Eöʼ to tariuk po mët peʼ.I am responsible for his death.vovoh 1vadvance (to), ahead (to go), before (to go), go first (to), lead (to, responsible (to be)Eʼ to vovoh vor en.He went ahead.
restmehdeteralternate, animate object, another, another one, next, other, remainder, restVi ka maʼ neoʼ a meh vös.Throw me another stone.vanot 2nholiday, recess, restO koaʼ to taneʼ maʼ pa siku paree vos maʼ pa vanot.The children started at the school and came to the village for a holiday.
restapo 1vnot work (to), rest (to)Michael se apo e non maʼ ko hikta se nö non maʼ pa kiu.Michael will rest and will not come to work.vanot 1vhalt (to), rest (to)Pitaʼ to vanot non.Peter is resting.vavuriah 1vbreathe (to), catch ones breath (to), rest (to)A napan to vavuriah manuh hanan.The people rested there on the road.
rest, aapooroenrest (a)A apooroe peöʼ pa tevan to vih.My rest on the bed was good.
restingvavuriah 3adjrestingEöm koroh vavuriah avoeʼ e nem, ha?You(p) are asleep and you(p) are still resting, ha?
Resting Day of the JewsPoen ApaaponResting Day of the Jews (Sabbath)Manih po pöh Poen Apaapo eʼ me a ma vamomhë peʼ to nönö vah ne pa koman a rak vëh nee to nep voh a kon.On one Resting Day (Sabbath) of the Jews he and all his disciples were walking around inside the garden where they had planted corn.
resting to beapaapo 1vresting (to be)E voe to apaapo non manuh iuun peʼ.The man is resting there in his house.
retain toötöönvarrest (to), control (to), delay(to), grasp (to), hinder (to), hold onto (to), hold tightly (to), overpower (to), prevent (to), retain (to)E Pitaʼ to ötöön a teʼ pa kiu.Peter is holding tightly to the man for work.
retrievekokoanvretrieve (to), salvage (to), scavenge (to)Eën kokoan hah nom a ma ö tah to hat to?Why (did) you(sg) retrieve all those no good things?
returnhah 1sp. var.havcome again (to), come back (to), go back (to), return (to)Eʼ to këh hah en pee,...He left them again,...vahahvfight back (to), free again (to be), release (to), return (to) a ma teʼ ankeroʼ peʼ vapus vahah me ee pee....and all his angels fought back with them.E voe to vahah a taktak.The man released the small bird.
return a borrowed itempöʼ 1vpay back a credit (to), return a borrowed item (to)Eöʼ se pöʼ hah a moniʼ peʼ nöʼ to kon voh.I will pay back the money that I had borrowed.
returning, to bevahahahvreturn (to continually)[returning]A teʼ to taneo pa pënton ko vatet a neoʼ, ivëhkëk, eʼ to vahahah non pa ma taateʼ hat moaan voh peʼ, eʼ a teʼ pamëh to hikta onöt non a ho pa koman a Matop Vih pe Sosoenën.A person who starts to listen and follows me but he keeps returning to all his/her old bad way of life, he that person is not able to enter into the Good Reign of God (Kingdom of God).
ReuReuʼBiblical SourcePrp.NReu, Seruk e koaʼ pe Reuʼ, ke Reuʼ e koaʼ pe Pelek,...and Serug was the child (son) of Reu, and Reu was the child (son) of Peleg,
ReubenRubenBiblical SourcePrp.NReuben... ko meoh 12,000 po vuteʼ Ruben,...and another 12,000 from the clan of Reuben,
revealvatavusvbeget (to), bring out (to), outside (to go), perform (to), reveal (to), show (to), tell (to)Nö maʼ vatavus.Come outside.vataarevindicate (to), reveal (to), revealed (to be), show (to). show the way (to)Eöʼ se vataare a oah a teʼ vih.I will show you a good man.vateeraʼ 1vexpose (to), prove (to), reveal (to)Eʼ se vatvus vateeraʼ a ma tah varih to teʼ vakoaan ne, pareʼ vatvus me o kokoman pa napan kurus.He will tell out clearly these things which are hidden and he will also tell out the thoughts of all the people.vatët 1vreveal (to), closed (to be)E Sosoenën to vatët voh a soe peʼ koman a Buk Baibel.God has revealed his talk in the Bible.vatvusvadmit (to), announce (to), appear (to), beget (to), bring out (to), confer (to), invent (to), originate (to), perform (to), reveal (to), show (to), start (to), tell (to)Vatvus na a soe ne tamömah to soe voh ka oah.Announce out the talk your(s) father had told you.
revealvavatavusvperform (to continually)[performing], reveal (to continually)[revealing], tell (to continually)[telling]E voe to vavatavus a soe pe Sosoenën.The man told out (preached) the talk of God.