Vasui - English



vatuvuh1vrelieve (to)(pain)Kehoʼ to vatuvuh ken a neoʼ po kamis.The blind one he relieved my pain.2nreliefE koaʼ to haraʼ vatuvuh koman a koman eah.The child feels relief in her stomach.
vatvi1vcircle, (to), go around (to), revolve (to)A kumiʼ in a Toiotaʼ to vatvi e non.The rubber(tire) on the Toyota is going around.2ncircle (a)E koaʼ to nok a vatvi po kosan.The child made a circle in the sand.
vatvusvadmit (to), announce (to), appear (to), beget (to), bring out (to), confer (to), invent (to), originate (to), perform (to), reveal (to), show (to), start (to), tell (to)Vatvus na a soe ne tamömah to soe voh ka oah.Announce out the talk your(s) father had told you.
vauhvrub (to)(p subj)Ee se voh ohop a ma ohop tatasi, pare vauh o ö to vataare non a ö nee to tamak ne a ma taateʼ hat pee.They put on the clothes the torn clothes, and they painted the ash that showed that they were sorry for their bad customs.
vauhevdam (to)O koaʼ to nö ee pa vauhe a ruen.The children went to dam the water.
vauhioʼvmotion (to), signal (to), talk (to), tell stories (to)E Sëkaraëaʼ to tavus maʼ, pareʼ hikta onöt non a vaato me ra napan, pareʼ vauhioʼ koren me non raoe,...Zechariah came outside, and he could not speak again with the people, and he talked using his hands (sign language) with them,...
vauhuvwash (to)Eöʼ to vauhu nöʼ ruen.I washed in the river.
vauhununvtears (to.have)Ke Ieesuʼ vauhunun matan en.And Jesus' eyes teared (Jesus cried).
vaun1vput into (to)Eöʼ to vaun a ma tah peöʼ po pëk.I put my things into the bag.2nmeat cooked in bambooA vaun peöʼ pet non hanih?Where is my meat cooked in bamboo?
vaururuannalas, woeVaururuan! Vaururuan rakah vöön apuh Babiron!Woe! Woe indeed big village of Babylon!
vauseanvwretched (to be)Ivëhkëk, eöm hikta nat va nem manih peöm o vausean,...But, you(p) do not know that you(p) are wretched,...
vauʼntorchEe to öt nö ne maʼ a ma ram me a ma vauʼ.They held the lamps and torches.
vavaehvstrengthen (to)E Pöl to hikta teʼ varë manih pa vöön va Antiök, vavaeh hah nö non o vaman pa ma napan.Paul did not stay a long time there in the village of Antioch, strengthen continually again the belief of all the people.
vavaenadjmarriedEöm varih a nap vavaen, eöm se nat nem këh a ma köövo peöm,You(p) these married people, you(p) should not leave your wives.
vavaeö1vhappy (to be), joyful (to be), happy (to make), joyful (to make)...a ma taateʼ peöm se vavaeö i ne poë....your(p) customs must make him happy.2adjcomplimentarilyE voe to heʼ a soe vavaeö peʼ manih pa napan.The man gave his compliment to the people.
vavaesadjbold, brave, courageousE voe a teʼ vavaes.The man is a brave man.
vavaësvoffer (to)Emöm to vavaës suraʼ nem maʼ po vapepe.We(excl) are offering fire at the graveyard.
vavaëseanadjfunnyPitaʼ a teʼ vavaësean.Peter is a funny man.
vavaëënveating together (to be)Ivëh, köm se soe ke eah pan, ‘Emöm to vavaëën me voh e nem pën, kën sun voh nom hanan pemöm parën vavaasis a non möm.’Therefore, then you(p) will tell him, 'We(excl) have continually eaten with you(s), and you(s) have stood on our road and you(s) continually taught us.'
vavahadvabout, round about, various directions (go)Ko vahutët va pa tah pamëh vatvi vëhëhöʼ vavah en pa ma vöön kurus to teʼ ne pa moeh totope va Jiutiaʼ.And the story of that thing went quickly round about through all the villages that were in the mountainous land of Judea.
vavahahvcoming and going (to be), release (to continually)[releasing]O motoka to vavahah kov e nee.The cars are just coming and going.
vavahan1vhang up (to continually)[hanging] se vahan rakah manuh mahën pa ö vavahan ram....they will indeed hang the lamp on the place for hanging the lamp...2adjhangingA vavahan ram to teʼ non iuun.The hanging lamps are in the house.
vavahatadvvery badly...pare soe vavahat ee peʼ....they talked very badly to him.
vavahevevangry (to make), provoked (to be), stirred up (to be)...eöm se nat nem vavaheve nem a ma pus koaʼ peö must not make your(p) children angry.
vavahikvfinish (to), put an end (to continually), stop (to continually)Vaeö rakah pa napan varih to vavahik hah nö ne a ma vapus,...Happy indeed are these people who put an end to fights,...