Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



deil me te⁵⁵ mɯ³³v.crush; pulverize打碎/dǎ suì/Lalzir biul mel deil me ho a saelnei lalzir me loxr var. 一个一个的辣椒打碎了以后,才能成为辣椒粉。The pepper plant is ground into powder in order to make it into pepper powder.This means to pound something into a powder.意思是将某物打成粉碎。Compare 另见deilmesomessumedeil me te⁵⁵ mɯ³³
deilmeixlsix te⁵⁵me̠⁶⁶sɿ̠⁴⁴n.broom扫把/sǎobǎ/Meixlsix mel hormo yoxr nei zza. Cir yoxr a nael, armael neixl teixl lei a deilmeixlsix bbeix; cir yoxr a nael, meixlsixjiaxr bbeix; eilmel nael wordabbor ngaxl si lei a armael neixl; halae cir yoxr a nael, vae si lei. 扫把有好几种。一种,自己绑出来的叫“deilmeixlsix”:还有一种叫“meixlsixjiaxr”,这种是从山上撇回来自己绑的。还有一种是买来的。There are many kids of brooms. One kind (a person) ties together himself/herself; it is called a "deilmeilsix"; one kind is called 'meilsixjiaxr"; these (both) are (brooms made up of branches) broken from (plants) on the mountain and tied together (into a broom); also one kind (of broom) is bought (in a store).1. This word /meilsix/ is a general term for 'broom'. /deilmeilsix/ is the smaller home-made broom. The /meilsixjiaxr/ is the long broom that is also home-made. They can also buy brooms in the store these days. /meilsix/ 是对 '扫把' 的一般称呼。/deilmeilsix/ 是家里自己作的小扫把。/meilsixjiaxr/ 是家里自己作的长扫把。近来在商店中可以买到这些东西。It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。Compare 另见meixlsixmeixlsixjiax
deilno te⁵⁵-no³³v.beat; hurt; injure; wound打伤/dǎ shāng/Zzaexpor hal ddei yar dax zzaegu lar su nr nga a nei, yar leil lei deilno gger a. 那个小偷不紧是抢他的东西,而且把他打伤了。That thief did not only take his/her things, (s/he) also wounded him/her.Compare 另见beinobbeixnodeilgarnohienohienokenolexlnonotaxlnodeilno te⁵⁵-no³³
deilxiaxr-deillal ceix de⁵⁵-ʃʲa̠²¹-de⁵⁵-ɮa⁵⁵ tsʰe̠⁴⁴idiom习语break into pieces打坏打烂/dǎ huaì dǎ làn/Yaa nrnel zzihie a, zzaegu lei deilxiaxr-deillal ceix a . 他们俩吵架,把东西都打坏打烂完。Those two argued, (and) broke everything into pieces.deilxiaxr-deillaxl ceix de⁵⁵-ʃʲa̠²¹-de⁵⁵-ɮa̠⁶⁶ tsʰe̠⁴⁴
deix te̠⁴⁴1v.put/fàng/Zzaegu mel cirmaex-hanga deix nr ddo. 东西不能放在每个地方。It is not allowed to put the things everywhere.2AUX (direction)助(方向)on; up/shàng/Sulzzasu mel zaezir ddei leil sul vaexr deix. 学生在桌子上面写字。Students write characters on desks.Ngua mermi me so ssi a mel, worga darmumu armel leil maex deix nia. 我们地方去找蘑菇,要爬上很高的山。Where we are from, when collecting mushrooms, it is necessary to climb up on very high mountains.Ngo zoxlzoxl a nia ake ssi deix. 我经常走上去你的家。I always go up to your house.An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.助动词的定义是:一个字在子句或从句中,伴随着主要动词;可以帮助区分‘情绪,氛围’,‘时序,时机’或‘动词的方向’。 有一些词可以用作含有移动性的主要动词,或用作助动词以显明方向。Compare 另见doldeix te̠⁴⁴
deix te̠⁴⁴v.carry; hold with the arms; hug/bào/Ngo aniux ar ddox deix dae a, yar ngo pia ddei leil sir ardae beixl deix gger a. 我抱着一个小孩,他尿了一抛尿在我的衣服上。(When) I was carrying a child, s/he urinated on my clothes.Ngo silbbar cirke deix dae a, niur mel leil zol ssi. 我抱着很多草,去喂牛。I carried a lot of grass, to go feed the cattle.This means to hold something in your arms. It can include standing up and holding a child (or some item) in your arms or sitting while holding a child on your lap.意思是用手臂抱着。包括站立抱着小孩子(或某物)或者坐着把小孩抱在腿上。deix te̠⁴⁴
deixrgoxr te̠ʔ²¹ko̠ʔ²¹POST POS后置词facing; in front of对面/duìmiàn/Ngua ake deixrgoxr mel ajjix ar zex zza. 我们家的对面有一条河。In front of our house there is a stream of water.deixgoxr te̠⁴⁴ko̠ʔ²¹
del tə⁵⁵v.freeze结冰/jié bīng/Zzixzi mel, ajjix mel nixpiugoxbax del du lei xie. 冬天,水会结起冰来。In the winter the water can freeze.del tə⁵⁵
derdeldertə²¹tə⁵⁵tə²¹🔊ONOM象声(the sound of the beating of the heart心脏的跳动/xīnzàng de tiàodòng/)Ca mel nixmox zzar gexr a mel, nixmox taex derdelder tiuxl var. 人们心里害怕的话,心脏会 "derdelder" 跳。When people have fear in their hearts, (their) hearts can jump with the "derdelder" sound.derdelder tə²¹tə⁵⁵tə²¹
dex tə̠⁴⁴v.put away收起来/shōu qǐ lái/Eilni ngo almeixr lexl dae, yel mercixl a, ngo almeixr dex nia. 今天我在晾米,所以到了下午我要收起来。Today I dried the rice in the sun, so at dusk I have to put the rice away./dex/ is used when referring to storing or putting away some type of crop. For example, it could be used to mean to put the rice in the bags for storage after it has been out drying in the sun. /geso/ means to make a messy room neat; /veidu/ means to take and put things away. The word /se/ is a Chinese Mandarin loan which also means to organize when something is messy. There is a lot of overlap in the use of these words. The word /dol/ means to put the grain in a certain location./dex/ 用在将某种作物收拾起来;/geso/ 意为将一个杂乱的房间收拾好;/veidu/ 意为将东西拿走,放好。/se/ 这个汉语借词也是指将杂乱的东西整理好。这些词的用法有许多重叠的地方。Compare 另见dolgesoseveidudex tə̠⁴⁴
dex tə̠⁴⁴1v.hold/pěng/Ngo so mel leil leixrkata gga dex dae a, maexllixl gga ji a. 我把麦子捧在手里,装进口袋里。I hold grain in my hands and put it in the large bag.Yar seixlda a dder qiaxrmeix ddei leil dex gex dae. 他害羞就捂着脸。S/he was shy so (s/he) held (his/her) face with his/her hands.2CLF (verbal)handfulAniux hal ddox solgoltaxr ar dex dex dae. 那个小孩捧着一捧糖。That child held a handful of fruit candy.This means to hold something in cupped hands. It would also include drinking water from a stream with cupped hands, i.e. /dex dda/.用手作成杯状着某些东西。Compare 另见ngexr ddadex tə̠⁴⁴
dexbbor tə̠⁴⁴bo²¹LOC SPATIAL方位uphill上坡/shàngpō/Dexbbor ddeix a, yarzi ssi pixr. 上坡走得很慢。Going uphill is very slow going.This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见ellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsihalbborjiasikukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarnalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeiryozalbbaerzalbborzalzzarzilbborzilelezile zzirzzardexbbor tə̠⁴⁴bo²¹
dexl tə̠⁶⁶1v.attach; put on/àn/Baxrde hal taex qihher li bbor dexl nia. 那个凳子要安四只脚。Four legs need to be attached to that chair.Loxrlapor mel mi mor a, lorqir ddei sixggoxr ddei leil dexl gex. 彝族人犁田,把犁头按在犁上。The Central Yi people, when they plow a field, the blade is attached to the wooden plow.Mur zzaer a mel, mur ho dexl a saelnei zzaer seir. 骑马,要放马鞍才好骑。(If a person) is going to ride a horse, a saddle has to be put on in order for it to be good to ride.2AUX (direction)助(方向)on/shàng/Ngo vixlux ddaex dexl. 我剪花放(在布上)。I cut out a flower (to sew) on (a piece of cloth).An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.助动词的定义是:一个字在子句或从句中,伴随着主要动词;可以帮助区分‘情绪,氛围’,‘时序,时机’或‘动词的方向’。 有一些词可以用作含有移动性的主要动词,或用作助动词以显明方向。lael læ⁵⁵
dexl tə̠⁶⁶v.castrate阉割/yāngē/Loxrbbex lohie mel zzidu meixr, yel dexl a sael loxl mir. 年轻的公牛喜欢斗牛,所以把它阉割才好放。Young bulls like to fight with their horns so they have to be castrated so they are calm when taken out to graze.Compare 另见laellael læ⁵⁵
dexl tə̠⁶⁶v.set on fire/diǎn/Ca hal ddei fa nr saexl a, yar ake adoxl dexl du lei a. 那个人不小心她的家点火了。That person was not careful, (and) set his/her house on fire.The word /bbiu/ 'burn' means 'the fire is burning' in contrast to 'the fire has gone out'. The word /dexl/ is to 'set on fire'. The word /cu/ 'burn' means something has been burned or cooked by fire.这个字意思是‘火烧着’与‘火息灭了’相对。/dexl/ 意为‘点火’。/cu/ 意思是东西被烧了或在火上烧。Compare 另见bbiucubby by³³
dexryixl tə̠ʔ²¹ʝi̠⁶⁶adv.deliberately; on purpose故意/gùyì/Yar ngo leil sirzzi a dder dexryixl ngo leil alddur ggapu nr gger. 他生我的气,就故意不给我开门。S/he was angry with me so, on purpose, s/he did not open the door for me.duxryixl tɤ̠ʔ²¹ʝi̠⁶⁶
dezeitə³³ tse³³🔊v.drop down; fall down摔倒/shuāi dǎo/Aniuxssor hal ddox leil vizze leil dezei a, ngo yar leil gga du xixl lei a. 那个孩子在桥上摔倒,我把他拉了起来。That small child was falling down from the bridge, (so) I dragged him/her back (away from the bridge).Yar fa nr saexl a, yar ddei beizi taex dezei si a. 他不小心,他杯子掉下去了。S/he wasn't careful (and) his/her cup dropped down (to the floor).Ngo lebbor ddeix a, ngo leil dezei xixl lei a. 我上去楼上,我被摔下来了。(When) I was going upstairs, I fell back down.1. For this meaning, the word /de/ never stands alone; it is always followed by /zei/. 在这个意思的词语中,/de/ 从不单独使用,一定有 /zei/ 跟着。When saying /dezei/ (someone) 'fell down', the object marker /leil/ is used even if the person is not pushed down. But it isn't used when an object is dropped./de zei/ 掉下 – 当说到 /de zei/ ‘跌倒’时, 宾语标记 /leil/ 会被用上(虽然该人不是被推倒)。 假如说什么东西掉落时,那么宾语标记 /leil/ 就不会被用上。Compare 另见biubbaedae zei tɛ³³ tse³³guaxzei kʷa̠⁴⁴-tse³³veixlbborguax ve̠⁶⁶bo²¹kʷa̠⁴⁴
dezixl tə³³tsɿ̠⁶⁶v.register登记/dēngjì/Aniux xiu teixl lei a ngaseir, halmel leil mel mi dezixl ssi nia. 刚刚生出来的那些孩子要去登记名字。When children have just been born, it is necessary to go register (their) names for them.1. This can occur as /zixl/ in some contexts. For example with the word /mi/ 'name' in this example, it could be /mi zixl/ 'register (someone's name)'.在一些语境出现为 /zixl/。譬如,与 /mi/ (名字)一起用时,可以说 /mi zixl/ ‘注册或登记名字’。loan借词。Compare 另见zixldejixl tə³³tʃi̠⁶⁶
didildi ti³³ti⁵⁵ti³³1adv.move very quickly快速地/kuài sù de/Yar acixl loxl ssi a, acixl mel didildi beix a, gaxr lei ggaxrmae nr ddo. 他去放山羊,山羊快速地跑,赶也赶不上。S/he took the goats out to graze, (and) the goats ran very quickly, (so s/he) could not catch them.2very much强烈地/qiángliè de/Yar leixrhher ddei leil altor taexl dae a, yel didildi no. 他的手被刀砍到了,所以强烈的疼。S/he cut his/her hand with a knife, so it hurt very much.Compare 另见ggerggelggerdidildi ti³³ti⁵⁵ti³³
die tʲɛ³³1v.pull/lā/Zzaexpor hal ddei yar ddei zzaegu ker a, yar zzaexpor ddei leil die gex wo a. 那个小偷偷他的东西,他把小偷拉住了。That thief was stealing his/her stuff, (so) s/he pulled on the thief (his/her clothing).2draw out拉出来/lā chū lái/Yar sirzzi a dder altor baxr die teixl lei a. 他生气就把刀子拉出来了。S/he was angry and drew out his/her knife.This is very similar to the word /gga/ 'pull', but this is more like an action done with one hand, while the word /gga/ is used when something heavy is being pulled with two hands.非常相似于 /gga/ '拉';/diex/ 更像是用一支手做的动作,而 /gga/ 是指拉一个重的东西,须要更大的力量。Compare 另见ggagga ga³³jie tʃʲɛ³³
diexr dʲæ̠ʔ²¹v.nail; pin/dīng/Alddur bei a mel, hedi diexr nia. 做门,要钉钉子。When making a door, it is necessary to nail it.Another word for the verb 'nail' is /teixl/. It could be /teixl dil/ 'nail in' or it could be /diexr gex/ 'nail on'.Compare 另见teixldiexr dʲæ̠ʔ²¹
dil ti⁵⁵AUX (direction)助(方向)into/jìn/Ni sul eil ber ake vei dil xixl ssi. 你把这本书拿回家去。Take this book back into the house.Yar ake gga ajjix pe dil lei a. 水流进他的家里了。Water flowed into his house.An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.助动词的定义是:一个字在子句或从句中,伴随着主要动词;可以帮助区分‘情绪,氛围’,‘时序,时机’或‘动词的方向’。 有一些词可以用作含有移动性的主要动词,或用作助动词以显明方向。Compare 另见noni dildel tə⁵⁵
dirti²¹🔊v.substitute替代/tìdài/Eilni yar no a miar bei lei nr cexr a, yar gaxggor-carbeix ddei yar leil dir gger lei a. 今天他生病了,不能来上班,他朋友来替代他。Today s/he is sick (and) can't work, (so) his/her friend came to substitute for him/her. Compare 另见dirtudirtu ti²¹tʰɤ²¹
dir ti²¹1n.dot; spot/diǎn/Ngo pia xiux leil sei-nr-beix ar dir niar dae. 我的衣服上有一点脏的。My clothes have a dirty spot on them.2(used when telling time)(时间单位/shíjiān dānwèi/)Eilcar a, hormo dir ci a? 现在到几点了?What time is it now?1. dir ~ dirzo.loan借词Compare 另见dirzodir ti²¹
dirti²¹🔊v.oppose; resist反对/fǎnduì/Vaervaerpor bbeix dae mel ni noni dae nia, yar leil dir nr ddo. 领导说的,你要听着,不能反对对他。You must listen to what the leader says, you aren't allowed to appose him/her.Cirza-hanga nr seir mel maelmaerjjia ngo dir gex dae. 每一种不好的全部我抵着。I resist all that is not good.1. For it to have the meaning 'resist', the AUX /gex/ must follow the verb. /dir/ 若要有‘反对’的意思,需要 /gex/ 这个辅助词跟着。loan借词dir ti²¹