Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



ba kae pa³³ kʰæ³³v.spread搬开/bān kāi/Mi gga cir ji a, loxlmoxr yarzi naxrcixl, yel ca mel cir ba kae a, mi gga ji. 在田里放粪粮食很好,所以人们搬开粪放在田里。When manure is put in the field, the crop is very good, so people take the manure out and spread it in the fields.1. The pronunciation for /kae/ varies from /kae/ to /kie/ for the MaYou dialect, and varies from /kei/ to /kae/ for the ZhangJia dialect./kae/ 在马游有从 /kae/ 到 /kie/ 等不同的唸法。在张家有从 /kei/ 到 /kae/ 等不同的唸法。 loanba kae pa³³ kʰæ³³
bamur pa³³mɤ²¹adj.appropriate; proper分寸/fēncùn/Ni ddar bbeix a mel, bamur zza halmel lar bbeix ddo. 你说话,只能说有分寸的那些。When you speak, only speak what is appropriate.Ni azo bei lei bamur zza halmel lar bei ddo. 你做什么都只能做有分寸的那些。Whatever you do, only do what is appropriate.This word is always accompanied by the verb /zza/ 'have '. 这个字总是有 /zza/‘有'这个动词跟着。barmur pa²¹mɤ²¹
bar paʔ²¹CLF(breast; chest)/xiōng/Halcar a, zaxlddaexr su ca mel nixmoxzo bar leil he ar co veixr gex dae nia. 以前打仗的人,要在胸前穿一块铁。In times past, those who went to war had to wear a vest of steel on their chest.This classifier is for a person's chest (body part).bar pa²¹
barbatar pa²¹pa³³tʰa²¹n.lollypop棒棒糖/bàngbàng táng/Aniuxssor leil barbatar zzo lol a mel, ixl ji si nr var. 小孩吃棒棒糖就不会吞下去。When a small child is allowed to eat a lollypop, it can't be swallowed.1. /solgolta/ and barbatar/ are bought; /larmirta/ is homemade. /solgolta/ 和 /barbatar/ 是买来的。/larmirta/ 是自己家里做的。It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。loan借词Compare 另见larmirtasolgoltaxr
barpir paʔ²¹-pʰi²¹n.board (a flat piece of wood)木板/mùbǎn/Yixrgguci daxr a mel, barpir sser nia. 搭床,要用木板。When putting together a bed, boards must be used.The /barpir/ is a more narrow board than the /zzirddarpir/ which is also translated as 'board 木板'./barpir/ 是比 /zzirddarpir/ 窄一些的木板。两者都是木板。Compare 另见lebbaezzirddarpirbarpir paʔ²¹-pʰi²¹
barver pa²¹və²¹adj.competent; reliable; firm; resolute; steady; unwavering稳重/wénzhōng/Miar bei a, yar yarzi barver. 做事,他很稳重。When doing (a) task s/he is very reliable.Ni azo bei lei barbar-verver bei nia. 你做什么都要稳稳重重地做。Whatever you do, do it competently.barver pa²¹və²¹
bax pa̠⁴⁴adv.even/lián/Ni ssor ddei olce lei bax ar ba pixl nr var. 你的儿子连一根头发也不会丢。Your son will not lose even one single hair.Yar nixmox zzar xiar dae mel, cirdoxr lei bax nr seir. 她心里想着的一点都不好。The thoughts of his/her heart were not even a little bit good.bax pa̠⁴⁴
bax pa̠⁴⁴CLF (measure word)(bowl of food碗(吃的)wǎn (chī de)Yar almeixrmeixr a, hormo bax lei zzor ji a. 他肚子饿了,吃了好几碗。S/he was very hungry, (and) ate many bowls (of food).Ni ngo leil var bax caer gel gger la. 你把那碗菜端给我。Pass me the bowl of vegetables.For the ZhangJia dialect for the first example sentence the word /par/ is used. For the second sentence the word /bax/ is used.Compare 另见baxlaxrddorbaxpeixlbax pa̠⁴⁴par pʰa²¹
baxl pa̠⁶⁶v.mix; stir/bàn/Ni var ddei cor ji ho a, arleixr baxl nia. 你菜里放了盐要拌一下。After you have put salt in the vegetables, stir it up.loan借词Compare 另见ggiexpoxvaexpox pʰo̠⁴⁴vaex væ̠⁴⁴
baxl pa̠⁶⁶CLFbranch/zhī/Yar sixballeixr ar baxl ngaxl zei lei a, adoxl zi. 他撇一枝树枝下来烧火。S/he broke a branch down and lit a fire.Compare 另见sixbaxlleixrsixcaxlleixrsixgaxlleixrbaxl pa̠⁶⁶
baxl pa̠⁶⁶1v.put on a wedding/bàn/Mixbbaex su mel ggie baxl a mel, tarxi kar nia. 马游人办婚礼,要铺松叶。The people of Mayou when putting on a wedding, must spread pine needles (on the ground).2buy/mǎi/Ca hal hhexr mel cirmu bbeix du a, yel eilni yar zzi gga zzaegu baxl ssi. 那家人要取媳妇了,所以今天去城里买东西。That family is about to conduct a wedding (for a new daughter-in-law) so they went to the city to buy things.The /baxl/ can only be used in the sense of 'buy' when used in combination with the word /zzaegu/ 'thing', and is in the context of a wedding. The people in ZhangJia do not use the word /baxl/ for this sense; they use /vae/. The people in Mayou also can use /vae/ for this sense.Compare 另见ggiebaxl pa̠⁶⁶
baxl a pa̠ʔ⁶⁶ a³³adv.probably; seems可能吧/kěnéng ba/Yar giel no baxl a. 他可能病了吧。It seems that from what I see/probably she is sick.Eilni giel almer lei var baxl a. 今天可能会下雨吧。It seems from the change in the weather/probably today, on the contrary, it will rain.Yar sirzzi dae baxl a. 他可能在生气吧。It seems from what I see that/probably she is angry.Mi lei a baxl a. 可能地震了吧。It seems from what I feel/probably there is an earthquake. The speaker feels the earth quake a little, but is not at the epicenter, so is not entirely sure if a real earthquake is happening.Yar yix hor kal dae a baxl a. 他可能烤着鸡肉了吧。It seems from what I smell/probably she is baking chicken./baxl/ is an evidential operator; /a/ is the current relevant state. Together they indicate that the speaker makes an inference based on sensory information. The speaker also communicates that he/she is not extremely confident of the inference that has been made, though it is based on reliable sensory information. /baxl a/ is similar to /boxllor/ and /naer/, which are inference evidentials that express deductions based on the speaker’s prior knowledge or experience. The difference between the two is that /boxllor/ is an inference which is based on general knowledge or even conjecture; while /baxl a/ is an inference based on sensory input. /boxllor/ can not be used in 1st person contexts to comment on the 1st person agent’s feelings. Someone who does not possess sensory information can not use /baxl a/ to form the following utterance, which indicates that the speaker made an inference based on sensory input. /baxl a/ is not often used in 1st person contexts; it cannot be used to comment on a 1st person agent’s feelings. (Judi Merrifield)The falling pitch is intonation, not tone.baxl a pa̠ʔ⁶⁶ a³³
baxlaxr pa̠⁴⁴ɮa̠ʔ²¹n.bowl/wǎn/Niul almeixr zzor a, baxlaxr sser. 我们吃饭要用碗。When we eat rice, (we) use a bowl.The /baxlaxr/ is the small bowl used for individual use. The larger serving bowl is /ddorbax/.这是个人用的小碗。大的盛菜碗是 /ddorbax/。Compare 另见baxddorbaxgoxjixl ko̠⁴⁴tʃi̠⁶⁶
baxlfaxr pa̠⁶⁶fa̠ʔ²¹n.solution办法/bànfǎ/Yar ngo ddei ddar-nr-no, ngo baxlfaxr lei nr zza. 她不听我的话,我也没有办法。S/he doesn't listen to me, (and) I can't do anything about it.loan借词Compare 另见fazibaxlfaxr pa̠⁶⁶fa̠ʔ²¹
baxlguirle pa̠⁶⁶kʷeʔ²¹-lə³³v.fall down; trip绊倒/bàndǎo/Compare 另见baxlguirzeibaxlguirle pa̠⁶⁶kʷeʔ²¹-ɮə³³
baxlguirzei pa̠⁶⁶kʷeʔ²¹-tse³³v.fall down; trip绊倒/bàndǎo/Baezo hal zex aniux ddox leil baxlguirzei gger a. 那条绳子把孩子绊到了。The rope tripped the child.1. The words /guirle/ and /guirzei/ both mean the same thing, and are referring to when somone falling down because s/he is not paying attention. The words /baxlguirle/ and /baxlguirzei/ both mean the same thing and are referring to when someone falles down because something or someone caused that person to fall down. These words are accompanied by the benefactive /gger/. /guirle/ 和 /guirzei/ 是一样的意思,指某人不小心跌倒。/baxlguirle/ 和 /baxlguirzei/ 也是一样的意思,是指某人因为别人的作为而造成他的跌倒。这两个字会有‘受益格’/gger/ 紧跟着的。baxlguirzei ~ baxlguirle.Compare 另见baxlguirleguirguirlebaxlguirle pa̠⁶⁶kʷeʔ²¹-ɮə³³
baxlluxl pa̠⁶⁶ɮɤ̠⁶⁶n.halfway; midway半路/bàn lù/Baxlluxl ssi ci a, almer lei a. 走到了半路,下雨了。When (they) got halfway, it started to rain.loan借词baxlluxl pa̠⁶⁶ɮɤ̠⁶⁶
baxlmaexr lei nr sixl pa̠⁶⁶mæ̠ʔ²¹ le³³ n̩²¹ sɿ̠⁶⁶idiom习语ignore; not respond;没反应/méi fǎnyìng/Compare 另见salo lei nr giebaxlmaexr lei nr sixl pa̠⁶⁶mæ̠ʔ²¹ le³³ n̩²¹ sɿ̠⁶⁶
baxlyixl pa̠⁶⁶ʝi̠⁶⁶n.midnight半夜/bànyè/Armei baxlyixl ci a, almer yarzi lei vaer, yel ngo ddei loxlmoxr mel lei ajjix gga zix ji dae a. 昨天晚上到半夜,雨下得很大,所以我的粮食都泡在水里了。Last night at midnight, it started to pour, so my crops were all drenched with water.Yar baxlyixl yixr ci a, xilbe no. 他睡到半夜,肚子疼。S/he slept until midnight then (his/her) stomach hurt.loan借词Compare 另见merxixl-soxiusoxiu-baxlyixlmerheixl-seixiu mɯ²¹xe̠⁶⁶-se³³ʃʲo³³
baxr pa̠ʔ²¹CLF(items with a sharp edge)把(工具;梳子)/bǎ/ (gōngjù; shūzi)Mi giexl a mel, zilmo ar baxr sser a, giexl nia. 挖田要一把锄头去挖。(When) tilling the field, a hoe must be used to till.The classifier /baex/ is used with nouns that have a sharp point, like a dagger, sword or a sharp stick. The /baxr/ classifier is used for a knife or tool of some kind that has a sharp edge but does not have a sharp point. It can also apply to tools with a long tubular shape./baex/ 用于一些带有尖头的东西,像是匕首,剑,或尖尖的棍子。/baxr/ 这个量词是用在有锋锐边缘但没有一个尖端的刀子。baxr pa̠ʔ²¹
baxr pa̠ʔ²¹1n.breast乳房/rúfáng/Eilleix mel azo no lei zza, yel ssormaer cirmelmel a baxr ddei lei no var. 现在什么病都有,所以有一些女人的乳房也会痛。These.days there are all kinds of illnesses, so some women have illnesses in the breasts.2milk/nǎi/Aniux leil yarma ddei baxrda bir vae si lei baxrda mel leil seir. 喂孩子妈妈的奶比喂买来的还要好。It is better for a child to be given his/her mother's milk to drink than to be given bought milk to drink.Compare 另见baxrdabaxrzilbaxr pa̠ʔ²¹
baxrda pa̠ʔ²¹ da³³1v.nurse给喂奶/gěi weì nǎi/Aniux leil vaer lol niazzir a mel, baxrda nia. 要想让孩子长大就要喂奶。If you want to raise you child (you) must nurse (him/her).2n.milk/nǎi/Aniux leil yarma ddei baxrda bir vae si lei baxr mel da leil seir leixl. 喂孩子妈妈的奶比喂买来的还要好。It is better for a child to be given his/her mother's milk than bought milk./yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/./yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Compare 另见baxrbaxrzildabaxrda pa̠ʔ²¹ da³³
baxrde pa̠ʔ²¹tə³³n.chair; stool椅子/yǐzi/Ca hal ddei qihher no dae, yel yar baxrde ddei leil cux dae var lalnga. 那个人的脚有病,所以他只能坐在椅子上。That person has sore feet, so s/he can only sit on a chair.
baxrde pa̠ʔ²¹tə³³
baxrdirzo pa³³tiʔ²¹tso³³TEMP时间eight o'clock八点钟/bā diǎn zhōng/yixrdirzo, liardirzo, sadirzo, sixldirzo, vurdirzo, luxrdirzo, cixrdirzo, baxrdirzo, jiurdirzo, sixrdirzo, siryixrdirzo, sixraeldirzo 一点钟,两点钟,三点钟,四点钟,五点钟,六点钟,七点钟,八点钟,九点钟,十点钟,十一点钟,十二点钟one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock, five o'clock, six o'clock, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clockThis is a Chinese Mandarin loanword and ZhangJia uses a closer form of the Mandarin.这是来自普通话的借词。 张家所用的更近于普通话。
baxrgoxr pa̠²¹ko̠ʔ²¹n.turtledove斑鸠/bānjiū/Baxrgoxr mel dderbel ardoxr lesel. 斑鸠有一点像鸽子。The turtledove is a bit like a pigeon.It was reported that this word is not used in the ZhangJia dialect.据说张家村那里不用此字。