Vasui - English



vapopoenvdarkened (to become)...e Sosoenën to vapopoen e non pa matëëre pa inan poë.God darkened their eyes (prevented them) from recognizing him.
vapoʼq.wdwhereKa ma voaʼ kon varih to vuʼ manih po komön o noʼ uris toʼtoʼ teʼ vah vapoʼ ne nih?And all these seeds which fell on the inside of the bush of thorn vines what are they like?
vapoʼkanvpretend (to)Eöm to teʼteʼ vapoʼkan nem, pan eöm o teʼ totoopin to vavatet nem a taateʼ vih pa matëëra ma napan.You(p) are pretending like this that you(p) are straight people (righteous people) who continually follow the good custom in the eyes of all the people.
vapoosvfill (to), shut (to)A ma plaoa varih to makus vapoos rakah e ne.And all these flowers indeed shut their eyes.
vapö1adjblackEën to hikta antoen nom a panih a uviumah kakare keʼ tavus vapö.You(s) are not able to change your white hair and it becomes black.2vdefile (to)Eöm se keh nok vanën, eöm se vapö em po oeh vëh neöm to te’ nem.
vapöhvbecome one (to)...ta poa teʼ va po vaman se keh vapöh kokoman suk ta pah tah, pare hin suk, a, e Tamön vöh pa vöön va kin se heʼ en pee pon....if two people of this earth should have one thinking (agree) about one thing and they pray for it, yes, the Father there in heaven will give it to them both.
vapöpöökisvstubborn (to be), tangled up (to be)A voe a vapöpööis kokoman.The man has stubborn thoughts.
vapöpöötanvcast a spell (to), curse (to)Me eteh to vapöpöötan e kea peʼ, eʼ me se sun en pa matëëro Vakum Teʼ Susunön po Jiuʼ.And whoever curses (to curse with the help of a spirit) his brother, he will stand before the eyes (in the presence) of the Group of Jewish Leaders (Sanhedrin).
VapöökPrp.NTuesday, nameEöʼ se nö Buka po Vapöök.I am going to Buka on Tuesday.
vapöök1numsecondManih pa taateʼ pamëh ne Sosoenën se taneo en pa nok vavih a neöm pa vapöök tëëm.By that custom God will start to do good to you(p) for the second time.2adjbothEa se nö vapöök ee poʼ.We'll both go together.3advtogetherK kakau me o pëk vamoaan pah hat vapöök ee.Then the cocoa and the old bag will together be spoiled.
vapreovcoil (to)(as a snake)A kuruʼ to vapreo non.The snake coiled.
vapuvgrow (to make)...eöm se nö paröm vapu pet a soe peöʼ, keʼ voaʼ manih pa napan vamanih pa ö no naon to vovoaʼ va must go and you(p) also make my talk bear fruit in the people like this the way the tree bears fruit.
vapuhvcomplete (to), fill (to), fulfill (to)E köövo to vapuh o pëk kakau.The woman filled the bag with sweet potatoes.
vapuhioʼvjealous (to make)Eöʼ se kon o vuteʼ to hikta teʼ me ne to ëhnan, marën a vapuhioʼ a neöm,I will get the clan which do not have a name, in order to make you(p) jealous,...
vapuhpuhvfill (to continually)[filled]...ka nap vëvënsun kon a ta tah pupui nöh, ko vapuhpuh na po voaën,......and the fighting man got something for washing a pot with (sponge), and filled it with wine,...
vapuirionneddy, small floodA vapuirion to kunah maʼ Kakavut.A small flood came down on the Kakavut.
vapunis1advburden, sorrowful...pareʼ haraʼ vapunis rakah en manih po kupu peʼ....and he felt sorrowful indeed in his heart.2adjheavyA pëk vapunis to kurus en.The heavy bag is broken.
vapupui1vpurify (to)A napan to nö e pa vapupui.The people went to purify themselves.2adjwasherE köövo vapupui to nö iuun peʼ.The washer woman went to her house.
vapuputoʼvmud (to make)Ko vapuputoʼ en pa siʼ ö oeh,And he made mud with a little piece of ground,
vapusv1fight (to)A poa teʼ to vapus.The two men are fighting.2fight (a)E këh to uin a vapus.The dog won the fight.
vapusun1vcause (to),...a poa tah to vapusun ne pa arus moniʼ pa teʼ....the two things which cause a person to lose money.2ncause, foundation, orgin'A teʼ to vapusun i non a taateʼ man,...'The person who is the foundation of the custom of truth,...
varahvcrawl (to), creep (to)Ka soneʼ korot peöʼ varah varo en.My small turtle crawled far away.
varakvdry (to)Varak koman hah po taöör.Dry it inside with a towel.
varakahvallow (to), lose (to), release (to)...eöʼ to hikta se varakah noʼ ta pah teʼ va pa napan varih neʼ to heʼ voh a neoʼ....I will not lose one person of these people whom he gave before (remote past) to me.
varapökvscatter (to)E Pitaʼ to varapök i na ma voaʼ vuit pa kiu peʼ.Peter scattered all the wheat seeds in his garden.