Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



porpor hhexr pʰo²¹pʰo²¹ ɣɯ̠ʔ²¹n.ancestral spirit祖宗的灵魂/zǔzōng de línghūn/Loxrlapor mel jiax goxr a, azo lerler seixl a mel, porpor hhexr leil hoba zi a saelnei zzor. 彝族人过节,杀什么,先祭祖宗的灵魂才吃。When the Central Yi people celebrate a holiday, whatever (animal they) slaughter, (they) first perform a ceremony to the ancestral spirits before they eat.Compare 另见ake hhexr ddei xiuhhexrporpor hhexr pʰo²¹pʰo²¹ ɣɯ̠ʔ²¹
porpor jiataxrpʰo²¹po²¹ tʃʲa³³tʰaʔ²¹n.alter; ancestor alter祖先家坛/zǔ xiān jiātán/Loxrlapor mel cirhhexr-hanga lebbor leil porpor jiatar ar ddei zza. 彝族人的每一个家庭的楼上有一个祖先家坛。Every household has an alter to venerate (their) ancestors upstairs.Compare 另见ake hhexr ddei xiuporpor jiata pʰo²¹po²¹ tʃʲa³³tʰa³³
porssor pʰo²¹-zo²¹n.father and son父子/fùzǐ/Porssor hal nr bollor zzi leil yarzi perniar. 那两个父子彼此很相爱。That father and son love each other very much.porssor pʰo²¹-zo²¹
poxpʰo̠⁴⁴🔊1v.cross/fǎn/Worga ga leil pox gel a, halzzar ca kax nr zza. 翻过那座山,那里面没有村子了。Crossing over that mountain, there are no villages up in there (in the mountains).2turn/zhuǎn/Ngo yar xilmeir ssi dae a, yar ngo leil ae a, ngo dder pox xixl lei a. 我在他前面走,他叫我,我就转过来了。I was going in front of him/her, s/he called me, I consequently turned back.3flip over/fǎn/Ni aba ngexl a, pox nia. eine saelnei mi var. 你煎饼的时候,要翻过来,这样才会熟了。When you fry bread, it has to be flipped over in order for it to be fully cooked.4AUX (direction)助(方向)backwards/fǎn/Ca hal ddei mel luldaddur xiux veixr pox dae a, yel ngo mia a qie, vae pexlix si a. 那个人把裤子穿反了,所以我看见了就禁不住笑了。That person wore his/her pants backwards, so when I saw, (I) couldn't help but laugh.An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.助动词的定义是:一个字在子句或从句中,伴随着主要动词;可以帮助区分‘情绪,氛围’,‘时序,时机’或‘动词的方向’。 有一些词可以用作含有移动性的主要动词,或用作助动词以显明方向。Compare 另见baxlpiar poxpox pʰo̠⁴⁴
poxsi-poxxil pʰo̠⁴⁴sɿ³³-pʰo̠⁴⁴ʃi⁵⁵idiom习语back and forth翻过来翻过去/fān guò lái fān guò qù/Ssormaer hal ddei aniux xiu niazzir dae a, no zildu a, yel yixrgguci ddei leil poxsi-poxxil pox doxr dae. 那个女人快要生孩子了非常的痛,所以就在床上翻过来翻过去的翻着。That lady is about to give birth, (and it) hurts a lot, so (she) continually tosses and turns on the bed.poxzi-poxdeix pʰo̠⁴⁴tsɿ³³-pʰo̠⁴⁴te̠⁴⁴poxhollei-poxholyi pʰo̠⁴⁴xo⁵⁵ɮe³³-pʰo̠⁴⁴xo⁵⁵ʝi³³
pupʰɤ³³🔊CLF (verbal)(used for the verbs 'hit', scold and cry)/dùn/Ca hal nrnelsael yar leil ar pu deil gger a, beix du si a. 那几个人打了他一顿,跑了。Those several people hit him/her a blow, (and) ran away.Yar mel sul nr bei, yel sulmulsu yar leil ar pu hie gger a. 他没有做作业,老师把他骂了一顿。S/he did not do his/her homework, so the teacher gave him/her a scolding.Aniuxssor mel cir ni hormo pu nei nge nia. 小孩子要一天哭好几次。Small children cry many times per day.pu pʰɤ³³
pupʰɤ³³🔊v.open; open the eyes/kāi/Yar yixr mil si a, yel yar meixddur ddei pu kae a qie, baxrdirzo ci a. 他睡过头了,所以他一睁开眼睛,就到八点了。S/he slept deeply, so when s/he opened his/her eyes, it was eight o'clock.Ngo zalbbaer ddux a, zzuxci vei hol-nr-cir a, yar ngo leil alddur pu nr gger. 我出去外面忘记了带钥匙,他不给我开门。I went out and forgot to take the key, (and) s/he did not open the door for me.Compare 另见ggabilggapupu pʰɤ³³
pur pʰɤ²¹v.blister; bubble; rise起泡/qǐpào/Leixrhher ddei leil vizubbaex taxl dae arddeirnga a mel, pur var. 手上烫着开水,会起泡。If (your) hand is burned in hot water, (it) will blister.Aba bei a, miljiazi nr ji a mel, pur nr var. 做馒头不放酵母不会发起来。When making bread, if yeast isn't put in, it won't rise.Compare 另见faexpursaerpur pɤ²¹
pursaerpʰɤ²¹sæ²¹🔊n.bubble/pào/Ajjix gga zzaegu piar ji gger arddeirnga a dder, pursaer mex du lei var. 如果有东西丢进水里的话,就会起泡。If something is thrown into the water, it stirs/blows up bubbles.Compare 另见purpursaer pʰɤ²¹sæ²¹
pursi pʰɤ²¹sɿ³³adv.of course当然/dāngrán/Compare 另见bursiberyixl pɯ²¹ʝi̠⁶⁶
pusar pʰɤ³³sa²¹adj.soft松软/sōngruǎn/Eilni almer lei goxr a, mi bbae yarzi pusar, yel loxlmoxr dae a lei yarzi dae seir. 今天下过雨,田很松软,所以种庄稼也很好种。Today it rained and the ground is very soft, so it is easy to plant crops.Ngama aba bei a, yarzi bei pusar, yarzi zzorci. 我妈妈做面包,很蓬松,很好吃。When my mom makes bread, it is very soft, it is very delicious.pursar pʰɤ³³sa²¹
puxr pʰɤ̠ʔ²¹v.fall forward; pounce/pū/Aniux hal ddox leil dezei a, cirddei-lorbba nixlnaexl bbeddur ddei gga puxr ji dae a. 那个小孩摔倒了,他整个人都扑在泥坑里了。That child fell down and fell forward completely into the mud hole.Almir hal ddei hax ar ddei mia a qie, beix gel a, hax ddei leil puxr gex dae a. 那个猫看见一个老鼠就跑过去扑在老鼠上了。When the cat sees the rat, it runs toward it, (and) pounces on it.1. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。loan借词
puxr pʰɤ̠ʔ²¹v.pickle/yān/Puxrceixl puxr a mel, olbbexr ar taex gga puxr ji nia. 腌腌菜要腌在一个罐里。When pickling pickled vegetables, they must be pickled in (a ceramic jar called an) "olbbexr".Compare 另见puxrceixlpuxr pʰɤ̠ʔ²¹
puxrceixlpʰɤ̠ʔ²¹tsʰe̠⁶⁶🔊n.pickled vegetable腌菜/yāncài/Yar puxrceixl puxr a mel, yarzi zzorci. 他腌的腌菜很好吃。When s/he pickles pickled vegetables, (they) are very delicious.loan借词Compare 另见puxrpuxrceixl pʰɤ̠ʔ²¹tsʰe̠⁶⁶
puxrto pʰɤ̠ʔ²¹tʰo³³n.grape葡萄/pútáo/Puxrto eilmel nr mi seir a, yarzi zei. 这些葡萄还没熟,很酸。These grapes are not ripe yet, (and are) very sour.This is a Chinese Mandarin loanword and ZhangJia uses a closer form of the Mandarin.这是来自普通话的借词。 张家所用的更近于普通话。Compare 另见puxrtohie
puxrto dae ggiepʰɤ̠ʔ²¹tʰo³³ tɛ³³ gʲɛ³³🔊n.vineyard葡萄园/pútáo yuán/Puxrto dae ggie mel puxrto lar dae, kebal saerzzei nr dae. 葡萄园只种葡萄,不种其他的果树。In the vineyard only grapes are planted, other fruit trees are not planted.puxrtao dae ggie pʰɤ̠ʔ²¹tʰao³³ tɛ³³ gʲɛ³³
puxrtohiepʰɤ̠ʔ²¹tʰo³³-xʲɛ³³🔊n.raisin葡萄干/pútáogān/Puxrtohie mel dolsseiddo, puxrto mel dolssei-nrddo. 葡萄干放得住,葡萄放不住。Raisins will last (without spoiling), grapes will not last (without spoiling).Compare 另见hiepuxrtopuxrtaohie pʰɤ²¹tʰao³³-xʲɛ³³
puxrto zzibbaerpʰɤ̠ʔ²¹tʰo³³ dzɿ³³bæ²¹🔊n.wine葡萄酒/pútáo jiǔ/Zzibbaer mel yarzi ix, ngo dda nr var; ngo puxrto zzibbaer lar dda. 白酒很浓,我不会喝,我只喝葡萄酒。(Rice) liquor is highly alcoholic, I can't drink it; I just drink wine.puxrtao zzibbaer pʰɤ²¹tʰao³³ dzɿ³³bæ²¹