Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



lixrbbaexɮi̠ʔ²¹bæ̠⁴⁴🔊n.tomb坟墓/fénmù/Lixrbbaex mel ca sima giexlhex ggie a. 坟墓是埋葬死人的地方。(The) tomb is (the) place (where) people's corpses are buried.leixrbbaex ~ lixrbbaex.Compare 另见leixrbbaexlixrbbaex ciliyixrbbaex ʝi̟ʔ²¹bæ̠⁴⁴
lixrbbaex ciliɮi̠ʔ²¹bæ̠⁴⁴ tsʰɿ³³ɮi³³🔊n.cemetery; graveyard墓地/mù dì/Eilmerxixl ci a mel, ca mel lixrbbaex cili gga ssi nr bel. 到了晚上,人们不敢去墓地。When night arrives, people don't dare enter a cemetery.Compare 另见ca sima giexlhex ggielixrbbaexlixrbbaex miyixrbbaex gelli ʝi̠ʔ²¹bæ̠⁴⁴ kɯ⁵⁵ɮi³³
lixrbbaex miɮi̠ʔ²¹bæ̠⁴⁴ mi³³🔊n.cemetery; graveyard墓地/mù dì/Compare 另见ca sima giexlhex ggielixrbbaex ciliyixrbbaex mi ʝi̠ʔbæ̠⁴⁴ mi³³
lixrbbaexwor ssiɮi̠ʔ²¹bæ̠⁴⁴-wo²¹ zɿ³³🔊idiom习语visit the gravesite to honor the dead上坟/shàngfén/Lixrbbaexwor ssi a mel, sozir cu nia. 上坟要烧纸。When going to the gravesite to honor the dead, fake money has to be burned.yixrddeix ʝi̠ʔ²¹-de̠⁴⁴
lixrcixrɮi̠ʔ²¹ tsʰɿ̠ʔ²¹🔊v.appreciate; to be thankful领情/lǐngqíng/Si niul leil beijjiu a mel, niul si leil lixrcixr nia. 别人帮助咱们,咱们要感激别人。When someone helps us, we should be thankful to them.Ngo ca hal ddei leil beijjiu a; nael yar ngo leil lixr-nr-cixr. 我帮助了那个人,但是他不领我的情。I help that person, but s/he doesn't appreciate me.The word /lixrcixr/ is different from /li/ 'accept 收下' in that /lixrcixr/ can include receiving or accepting non-concrete things, such as help, from people as well as concrete items. While the verb /li/ only applies to receiving concrete items.loan借词 lixrqixr ɮi̠ʔ²¹ tʃʰi̠ʔ²¹
lixrhuiɮi̠²¹xʷe³³🔊v.divorce离婚/líhūn/Capor hal ddei yar maerssor leil deil doxr a, yel yar maerssor dder yar dax lixrhui a. 那个男人一直的打他的妻子,所以他的妻子就和他离婚了。That man continually hit his wife, so his wife consequently divorced him.Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.唇发音出现在非源自汉语的字群中,是子音加上 /o/ 的结果。这是由元音字母 /o/ 所带来的影响 – 嘴唇做圆形状而发出的音 – 而产生的唇发音。双元音 /o/ 是与 /o/ 自由变化;没有对比。如果有其他非 /o/ 的元音,跟在一个唇发音子音之后,这个字很可能是来自汉语的借词。lixrhui ɮi̠²¹xʷe³³
lixr teixlɮi̠ʔ²¹ tʰe̠⁶⁶🔊v.strip off; take off脱掉/tuō diào/Xilmeir yar pia yarzi veixr miur, yel giedae gielco a, yar ar xiux lixr teixl gger a. 刚才他穿着很多衣服,后来热了他脱掉了一件。A while ago s/he was wearing a lot of clothes, so then it (got) hot, (and) s/he took off a suit (layer) of clothes.lixr qixl li̠ʔ²¹ tʃʰi̠⁶⁶
lizoxrɮi³³tso̠ʔ²¹🔊1v.like喜欢/xǐhuān/Pia hal xiux yarzi igax zae, ngo yarzi lizoxr. 那件衣服很好看,我很喜欢。That set of clothes is very pretty, I like it very much.Ssormaerssor hal ddei olce yarzi seir, arseir lei lizoxr. 那个女孩的头发很长,每个人都喜欢。That girl has very long hair, everyone likes it.2love/ài/Ngabbor ngama mel ngo leil yarzi lizoxr. 我爸爸妈妈很爱我。My father (and) my mother love me very much.Ngabbor mel ngama leil yarzi lizoxr. 我爸爸很爱我妈妈。My father loves my mother very much.1. Lizoxr is used when it is referring to liking or loving a person or thing and it also is used for the love between family members including the love between a man and a woman as well as the love between parents and their children. The word /meixr/ 'like' is used when referring to some action; it has to follow a verb. So if a person likes a certain place, that person would have to say s/he likes living there--and use the /meixr/. The word for liking to eat a certain kind of food is /meixr/--it would follow the verb /zzor/ 'eat './ngabbor/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /arbbor/; /ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/. /ngabbor/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词;/ngama/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Compare 另见i lalmeixrnolngerperniarseissaexrxiaxdeix ʃʲa̠⁴⁴te̠⁴⁴nyzoxr ny³³tzo̠²¹
loɮo³³🔊n.tongue舌头/shétóu/Ca mel lo nr zza a, ddar te nr var. 人们没有舌头不会说话。(If a) person doesn't have a tongue, (s/he) can't speak.lo ɮo³³
loɮo³³🔊DISC话语(word expressing indignation or warning)(话语[表示警告的意思])(huàyǔ [biǎoshì jǐnggào de yìsi])Pia eil xiux doxl, eine naexr nia lo, hane naexr nr nga! 这件衣服倒是这样缝的,不是那样缝。This set of clothes should be sewn this way, it is not sewn that way!Ni almer lei a lei saxr nr ddaexr a doxl, pursi almer zix no a lo! 下雨你也不打伞,当然被雨淋病了。When it rained you did not take an umbrella, of course (you) are going to get wet from the rain and get sick!The word /doxl/ is often used in combination with the word /lo/.lo ɮo³³
lociɮo³³tsʰɿ³³🔊POST POS后置词until为止/wèizhǐ/Ngo yar aniux ddox leil guaxr gger dae a, yarma jjixr lei loci a sael ake jjixr. 我帮她照顾小孩,他妈妈回来为止我才回家。I am looking after his/her child, until his/her mother comes back, (I) won't return home./yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/./yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Compare 另见lozzezzeloqi ɮo³³tʃʰi³³
lohieɮo³³xʲɛ³³🔊adj.un-castrated还没有阉割的/hái méiyǒu yāngē de/Loxrbbex mel dexl nr goxr seir a mel "loxrbbex lohie" bbeix. 公牛还没有阉割就叫他“loxrbbex lohie”。A young bull that is not yet castrated is called a "loxrbbex lohie".This word can be used for other animals besides bovine.除了‘牛’以外,这个字也可以用于其它的动物。Compare 另见loxrbbexloxrbbex-lohieloxrbbexmarloxrbbex-lohei ɮo̠ʔ²¹bɯ³³-ɮo³³xe³³lohei ɮo³³xʲɛ³³
lojiaxɮo³³tʃʲa̠⁴⁴🔊n.rake耙子/bāzi/Lojiax mel loxlmoxr gua cexr. 耗子可以用来铲粮食。The rake can be used to spread grain.Cinal so a mel, cinal so lojiax sser nia, kebal lojiax halmel sser nr cexr. 抓松茂的时候,只能用抓松茂的耙子,不能用其他的耙子。When gathering the dried pine needles a (special) rake for gathering the dried pine needles is used, those other rakes can't be used.This can be a store-bought metal rake or a home-made wood rake.
lojiax ɮo³³tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
lolɮo⁵⁵🔊1v. (secondary)次动allow; let/ràng/Ni miar eil ddei bei nr var a yar leil bei ssi lol. 你不会做这件事,让他去做。(If) you can't do this task, then let him/her to do (it).2ask to do; have do; tell to do/jiào/Ngo yar ake hher dae a, yar ngo leil jjixr lol. 我在他家,他叫我回去。(When) I was in his/her home, s/he told me to return.3cause使/shǐ/Ngo yar leil ddar seirseir cirke bbeix gger a, yel yar leil ggese lol. 我对他说了很多好话,所以使他高兴。I said a lot of kind words to him/her, so it caused him/her to be happy.lol ɮo⁵⁵
lol niaɮo⁵⁵ nʲa³³🔊v.may it happen/zhù/Ni ake jjixr car a, ni leil seilseir a jjixr ci lol nia! 你回家时,祝你一顺路风。When you return home, may you arrive safely!lol nia ɮo⁵⁵ nʲa³³
lomelɮo³³mɯ⁵⁵🔊adj.warm暖和nuǎnhuaCompare 另见lemellumel ɮɤ³³mɯ⁵⁵
lorɮo²¹🔊INTERJ(Word used when listing nouns.)/yā/Yar kebal mermi miar bei ssi a, yel xi lor, zzaegu lor, zzeir lor, cirza-hanga vur a. 他去其它地方做事,所以房子呀,东西呀,牲畜呀都卖了。S/he went to do some other place to work, so (his/her) house, things, animals, everything was sold.This is used when listing nouns; it follows each item.lor ɮo²¹
lorɮo²¹🔊n.tea/chá/Lor cirmelmel a zix ji beil a ngaseir a, ardoxr kar. 有一些茶刚刚泡的时候有一点苦。Some tea when it has just been steeped the first time, (it) is a bit bitter. (The first time hot water is added to the tea leaves it is strong and bitter. As the tea is drunk and more hot water gets added it is less srong and less bitter.)Compare 另见lorseixllor ɮo²¹
lorbbaɮo²¹ba³³🔊adj.all全部/quánbù/Almer vaer lei a, yar ddei xi cirgiex-lorbba pe teixl si a. 下大雨把他的房子全部冲走了。It rained very hard, (and) all the rooms in his/her house was flooded.1.Ths is always used in combination with /cir-CLF-lorbba/, so it is all put together with a hyphen in between as in the example sentence with /cirgiex-lorbba/.lorbba ~ larbba ~ leirbba.Compare 另见cirddei-lorbbalarbbaleirbbalormo ɮo²¹mo³³
lorbborɮo²¹bo²¹🔊n.blanket被子/bèizi/Mirho bei teixl lei lorbbor mel yarzi tu, yarzi lemel. 棉花作的被子很厚,很暖和。Blankets made out of cotton are very thick, very warm.lorbbor ɮo²¹bo²¹
lordduɮo²¹dɤ³³🔊n.whip鞭子/biānzi/Marcae ggaxr su mel lorddu sser a, mur leil deil. 赶马车的人用鞭子打马。The person who is driving the horse cart uses a whip to hit the horse.lorddu ɮo²¹dɤ³³
lorleixɮo²¹ɮe̠⁴⁴🔊n.yoke/è/Mi mor a mel, lorleix sser nia. 犁田,要用轭。When plowing, the yoke is used.
lorleix ɮo²¹ɮe̠⁴⁴
lormomarɮo²¹mo³³ma²¹🔊n.tiger老虎/lǎohǔ/Lormomar yarzi gexrddo, ca zzor var. 老虎很可怕,会吃人。Tigers are ferocious, (they) can eat people.In spite of the fact that the people are known as "The people of the tiger", the word tiger i.e. /lormomar/ does not contain a tense syllable while the word for the people group i.e. /Loxrlapor/ does contain a tense syllable.lormomar ɮo²¹mo³³ma²¹
lorqierɮo²¹tʃʰʲɛ²¹🔊n.plow blade犁头/lítóu/Compare 另见lorqirlorqir ɮo²¹tʃʰi²¹
lorqirɮo²¹tʃʰi²¹🔊n.plow blade犁头/lítóu/Loxrlapor mel mi mor a, lorqir ddei sixggoxr ddei leil dexl gex. 彝族人犁田,把犁头按在犁上。When the Central Yi people plow a field, the plow blade is attached to the wooden plow.1. This is a metal blade. lorqir ~ lorqier.Compare 另见lorqiersixggoxr
lorqir ɮo²¹tʃʰi²¹