Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



leixrdoxɮe̠ʔ²¹to̠⁴⁴🔊n.ring戒指/jièzhǐ/Meirgoxr su ca mel jixrhui a dder leixrdox ddexr nia. 美国人结婚就要戴戒指。(When) American's marry they must wear a ring.The word /jixrhui/ 'marry' in this example is a Mandarin Chinese loan.这个例子中的 /jixrhui/ (结婚)是由普通话来的借词。Compare 另见leixrkataleixrdox ɮe̠ʔ²¹to̠⁴⁴
leixrddurɮe̠ʔ²¹dv̩²¹🔊adj.crippled hands手趾有缺陷/shǒuzhǐ yǒu quēxiàn/Ca hal ddei leixrddur dae a, azzu sser nr var. 那个人手趾有缺陷,不会用筷子。That person is crippled (in his/her) hands, (and) can't use chopsticks.Compare 另见ciddurleixrkataleixrnileixrpaeleixrddur ɮe̠ʔ²¹dv̩²¹
leixrgaɮe̠ʔ²¹-ka³³🔊1n.palm of the hand手掌/shǒuzhǎng/Yar ngo leil zzaegu piar zei gger lei a, ngo leixrga ddei sser a, ddor gex dae. 他给我丢东西下来,我用手掌接着。(When) s/he dropped something down to me, I used the palm of my hand to catch it.2reign; rule统治/tǒngzhì/Halleix zzirmar halmel leixrga gga mel yarzi goxrsol. 以前,在那些王的统治里,很难过。A long time ago, during the reign of the kings, it was miserable.3supervision手里/shǒu lǐ/Xi eil zzir mel yarbbor leixrga dder zi a. 这栋房子是在他爸爸手里就盖了。This house was made under his/her father's supervision.1. Saying /yarbbor leixrga/ does not mean that the father made something with his own hands. It means it was under his supervision. /yarbbor/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /arbbor/./yarbbor/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词。Compare 另见leixrkataleixrnileixrpaeleixrga ɮe̠ʔ²¹-ka³³
leixrhherɮe̠ʔ²¹ɣɯ²¹🔊1n.hand/shǒu/Zzaegu hal ddei yarzi naex, ni leixrhher ddei mox ssi nr ddo. 那个东西很脏,你不能用手去摸。That thing is very dirty, don't touch it with your hand.2wrist腕关节/wànguānjié/Ngo six taexl a, leixrhher ddei taexl no a. 我坎柴腕关节坎疼了。(When) I cut wood, my arm hurt from cutting.3front feet on animals including insects/shǒu/Zzeir mel qihher leixrhher lei ssi. 动物脚和手都走路。Domestic animals walk on both back feet and front feet.Niaxlmecir mel lei bberzzi ar yoxr a; nael kebal bberzzi mel le-nr-sel, yaa qihher leixrhher heixl bbor zza. 蜘蛛也是一种虫子,但是不像别的虫子,它们手脚有八只。Spiders are a kind of bug, but are not like other bugs, they have eight front and back legs.If the /ddei/ is used with /leixrhher/ it can mean one hand or both. If the /bbor/ is used with /leixrhher/ than it is just one hand.Compare 另见leixrhherbaleixrkataleixrnileixrni-kursaerleixrnimoleixrnizixlleixrpaeleixrzzuleixrpeix ɮe̠ʔ²¹pʰe̠⁴⁴
leixrhherba ɮe̠ʔ²¹ɣɯ²¹-pa³³n.arm手臂/shǒubì/Ngo mi giexl a leixrhherba ddei giexl no a. 我挖地胳膊挖疼了。(When) I dig in the ground (my) arm hurts from digging.Compare 另见leixrhherleixrkataleixrnileixrpaeleixrhherba ɮe̠ʔ²¹ɣɯ²¹-pa³³
leixrhher ddei lei gexr ceir ale̠ʔ²¹ɣɯ²¹ de³³ le³³ gɯ̠?²¹ tsʰe²¹ a³³🔊idiom习语trembling with fear害怕了手都发抖/hàipàle shǒu dōu fādǒu/Zzaexpor mel yar dax zzirbae su a, yar leixrhher ddei lei gexr ceir a. 小偷跟他抢钱,他害怕了手都发抖了。The thief stole money from him, (and) was trembling with fear.leixrpeix ddei lei jjiux ceir a le̠ʔ²¹pʰe̠⁴⁴ de³³ le³³ dʒʲo̠⁴⁴ tsʰe²¹ a³³
leixrjiulgiex le̠ʔ²¹tʃʲo⁵⁵kʲæ̠⁴⁴n.armpit腋窝/yèwō/Aniux mel jjiumo ssi zza car a, yar leixrjiulgiex ddei leil deix gex dae a ssi zza lol. 孩子学走路的时候,抱着他的腋窝,让他学走路。When a child is learning to walk, hold (him/her) under the armpits to have him/her learn to walk.Compare 另见leixrkataleixrnileixrpaeleixrjiulgiex le̠ʔ²¹tʃʲo⁵⁵kʲæ̠⁴⁴
leixrkataɮe̠ʔ²¹kʰa³³tʰa³³🔊n.inside of the hand手掌/shǒuzhǎng/Yar ngo leil zzaegu piar zei gger lei a, ngo leixrkata ddei sser a ddor gex dae. 他给我丢东西下来,我用手掌接着。(When) s/he dropped something down to me, I used the inside of my hand to catch it.1. /leixrga/ is the palm but /leixrkata/ includes the whole inside of the hand vs. the back of the hand. This word can be used in the context where the hand is cupped to catch or hold something. There is no word for the back of the hand. /leixrga/ 是 手掌,但 /leixrkata/ 包括整个手的里面,与手背有个对比。没有描述手背的字。/leixrkata/ 可以用在将手掌弄成杯状,来接东西或握住东西。leixrkata-leixrtakaCompare 另见leixrdoxleixrddurleixrgaleixrhherleixrhherbaleixrjiulgiexleixrku-leixrlerleixrnileixrni-kursaerleixrnimoleixrnizixlleixrpaeleixrtakaleixrzzirleixrzzuqikataleixrkata ɮe̠ʔ²¹kʰa³³tʰa³³leixrtaka ɮe̠ʔ²¹tʰa³³kʰa³³
leixrku-leixrlerɮe̠ʔ²¹kʰɤ³³-ɮe̠ʔ²¹ɮə²¹🔊idiom习语empty handed空手/kōngshǒu/Ni no su ca mel leil i ssi a mel, leixrku-leixrler i ssi nr cexr. 你去看病人,不能空手去看。When you go see a sick person, (you) can't go empty handed.Compare 另见leixrkataleixrpaeleixrxia-leixrlerleixrxia-leixrlerleixrxia-leixrveilleixrxia-leixrler ɮe̠ʔ²¹ʃʲa³³-ɮe̠ʔ²¹ɮə²¹
leixrmeirɮe̠ʔ²¹me²¹🔊n.inheritance家业/jiāyè/Xi hal ddei mel, yarbbor yarma nr zza a, yar leil dol gger dae leixrmeir ddei nga a. 那个房子是他爸爸妈妈不在了给他留下的家业。That house, when his/her father and mother passed away, was what was given to him/her as an inheritance./yarbbor/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /arbbor/; /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/./yarbbor/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词; /yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。leixrmeir ɮe̠ʔ²¹me²¹
leixrmopeixl ɮe̠ʔ²¹mo³³pʰe̠⁶⁶n.handful̄/bǎ/So caer a, capor zox dae leixrmopeixl ddei mel bir ssormaer zox dae leixrmopeixl leil vaer leixl. 割麦子,男人抓的一把比女人抓的多。When reaping wheat, a man's handful (of wheat as he cuts with a scythe) is bigger than a woman's handful.leixrmopeixl ~ bo.Compare 另见boleixrpaeleixrmopeixl ɮe̠ʔ²¹mo³³pʰe̠⁶⁶
leixrni ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³n.finger手指/shǒuzhǐ/Leixrdox ddexr a leixrni leil ddexr. 戴戒指戴在手指上。The ring is worn on the finger.Compare 另见leixrddurleixrgaleixrhherleixrhherbaleixrjiulgiexleixrkataleixrni peddurleixrni zilkurleixrpaeleixrzixlgexleixrzixlpaeleixrni ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³
leixrnijiul le̠²¹ni³³tʃʲo⁵⁵n.place between fingers where they join at the hand手指间/shǒuzhǐ jiān/Ca cir ddei a mel, leixrnijiul liler a zza. 每一个人只有四个手指间。Every person has four places where the fingers join at the hand.leixrnijiul le̠²¹ni³³tʃʲo⁵⁵
leixrni-kursaerɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-kʰɤ²¹sæ²¹🔊n.fingernail; thumbnail指甲/zhǐjiá/Yar leixrni-kursaer ddei yarzi si a, yel ngo leil giexl no gger a. 他的指甲很长,所以把我抓疼了。His/her fingernails are very long, and s/he scratched and hurt me.Halcar a, ca mel oldde leil xi zza a, leixrni-kursaer leil zael. 以前的人在头上有虱子,用指甲压。In times past the people had lice on their heads, (so the lice) were pinched between the thumbnails (and killed).leixrnikursaer ~ leixrnisaerkur.Compare 另见cini-kursaercini-saerkurleixrhherleixrkataleixrni-saerkurleixrpaeleixrni-kursaer ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-kʰɤ²¹-sæ²¹
leixrnimo ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-mo³³n.thumb拇指/mǔzhǐ/Leixrnimo taex leil leixrdox ddexr su ca yarzi nganiuxl, arseir lei kebal leixrni mel leil ddexr lalnga. 大拇指上戴戒指的人很少,谁都只戴在别的手指上。There are very few people who wear rings on (the) thumb, everyone just wears (rings) on the other fingers.Compare 另见leixrhherleixrkataleixrnimo ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-mo³³
leixrni oldde le̠ʔ²¹ni³³ ʔo⁵⁵də³³n.finger tip手指头/shǒuzhǐ tou/Yar olmer dae a, leixrni oldde ddei sser a, nilhar ddei leil sul vaexr. 他弯着腰用指头在地上写字。S/he bent down and used (his/her) fingertip, (and) wrote in the dirt.leixrni olddu le̠ʔ²¹ni³³ ʔo⁵⁵dɤ³³
leixrni peddur le̠²¹ni³³ pɯ³³dv̩²¹n.round fingerprint圆形指纹/yuán xíng zhǐwén/Camar mel bbeix ngo leixrni peddur li taex zza, yel ngo almeixr zzor jjia nr ddo. 老人们说我有四个圆形指纹,所以我有吃不完的米。The elderly people say, I have four round fingerprints, so I will have more rice than I can eat.Compare 另见leixrnileixrni zilkurpeddurleixrni peddur le̠²¹ni³³ pɯ³³dv̩²¹
leixrni-saerkurɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-sæ²¹kʰɤ²¹🔊n.fingernail指甲/zhǐjiǎ/Compare 另见leixrni-kursaerleixrni-saerkur ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-sæ²¹kʰɤ²¹
leixrnissorɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-zo²¹🔊n.little finger小拇指/xiǎomǔzhǐ/Halleix camar mel nolsir giexl labox nr zza a, yel leixrnissor ci sser a, nolsir giexl. 以前老人们没有挖耳屎的,所以用小拇指挖耳屎。In the past old people did not have anything for digging out earwax, so they used the little finger to dig it out.leixrnissor ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-zo²¹
leixrniuxlɮe̠ʔ²¹nʲo̠⁶⁶🔊n.top section of the Yi apron上衣/shàng yī/Loxrlamo mel ggaxrsibbor veixr dae xiux leil mel "leixrniuxl" bbeix. 彝族的女人在上面穿的那件衣服叫 "leixrniuxl"。The top part of the clothing that Yi women wear is called the "leixrniuxl ".This apron is put on in front, above the waist, over a shirt.这如围裙的上衣是穿在前面,腰之上,在裙子上面。Compare 另见piaddomopiamael
leixrnyl ɮe̠ʔ²¹ny⁵⁵
leixrni zilkur le̠²¹ni³³ tsɿ⁵⁵kʰɤ²¹n.oval fingerprint筲箕指纹/shāojī zhǐwén/Camar mel bbeix ngo leixrni zilkur li taex zza, yel ngo almeixr zzorddu nr zza, var lar zzorddu zza. 老人们说我有四个筲箕指纹,所以没有米吃,只有菜吃。The elderly people say, I have four oval fingerprints,so I won't have rice to eat, (I) will only have vegetables to eat.Compare 另见leixrnileixrni peddurpeddurzilkurlorjiu lo²¹tʃʲo³³
leixrnizixlɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-tsɿ̠⁶⁶🔊n.knuckle关节/guānjié/Yar leixrnizixl ddei leil ngaxl a, leixrhher bbor ngaxl no a. 他扒关节的时候把手扒疼了。(When) s/he cracked his/her knuckles, it hurt (his/her) hand.Compare 另见cinizixlleixrhherleixrkataleixrnizixl ɮe̠ʔ²¹ni³³-tsɿ̠⁶⁶
leixrnopaeɮe̠ʔ²¹no³³pʰæ³³🔊n.back of the hand手背/shǒubèi/Yar giel six a, leixrnopae ddei six. 他擦汗,用手背擦。(When) s/he wiped away the sweat, (s/he) wiped it with the back of his/her hand.leixrnopae ɮe̠ʔ²¹no³³pʰæ³³
leixrpaeɮe̠ʔ²¹-pʰæ³³🔊n.Jew's Harp; lamellophone口弦/kǒu xián/Leixrpae mel meir ddei nael mex dae, leixrhher ddei nael bbaex dae. 这种乐器,嘴吹着,手弹着。The lamellophone is blown with the mouth, and plucked with the hand.Compare 另见leixrddurleixrgaleixrhherleixrhherbaleixrjiulgiexleixrkataleixrku-leixrlerleixrmopeixlleixrnileixrni-kursaerleixrzixlgexleixrzixlpaeleixrzzirleixrzzuleixrpae ɮe̠ʔ²¹-pʰæ³³
leixrseixlmaer su ca le̠ʔ²¹se̠⁶⁶mæ²¹ sɥ³³ ca³³n.craftsman手艺好的人/shǒuyì hǎo de rén/Leixrseixlmaer su ca mel, azo bei lei bei zae. 手艺好的人做什么都做的好看。A craftsman makes everything nice.looking.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。