Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



bbiexrbbiexlbbiexr bʲæ̠ʔ²¹-bʲæ̠ʔ⁶⁶-bʲæ̠ʔ²¹1adv.brightly闪闪地/shǎnshǎn de/Armei almerbbiexr a, bbiexrbbiexlbbiexr bbiexr dae. 昨晚闪电,闪闪地闪着。Last night there was lightning, (and) it flashed brightly.2n.brightness; shine亮的/liàng de/Yar pia xiux yarlil loxr a, bbiexrbbiexlbbiexr nr zza. 他的衣服旧了,没有亮的了。His/her clothes got old, (and) didn't have any shine.Compare 另见almerbbiexrbbiexrbbobbolbbobbiexrbbiexlbbiexr bʲæ̠ʔ²¹-bʲæ̠ʔ⁵⁵-bʲæ̠ʔ²¹
bbir bi²¹1v.break wind; fart放屁/fàng pì/2CLF (verbal)fart/pì/Yar bbir bbir a yarzi bbeirne. 他放屁很臭。(When) s/he farted a fart it smelled very bad.bbir bi²¹
bbiu bʲo³³v.burn/zhaó/Ngua Mixbbaex almeixr zeixl a, adoxl bbiu dae a sailnei zeixl cexr. 我们马游煮饭时,着火了才能煮。When we boil rice in Mayou, we have to have a fire burning so we can boil it.The word /bbiu/ 'burn' means 'the fire is burning' in contrast to 'the fire has gone out'. The word /dexl/ is to 'set on fire'. The word /cu/ 'burn' means something has been burned or cooked by fire.这个字意思是‘火烧着’与‘火息灭了’相对。/dexl/ 意为‘点火’。/cu/ 意思是东西被烧了或在火上烧。Compare 另见cudexlbby by³³
bbiu bʲo³³v.fly/fēi/Ca mel bbiu nr var, ngax sael bbiu var. 人们不会飞,鸟才会飞。People can't fly, only birds can fly.bby by³³
bbiucixl-bbiuge bʲo³³tsʰɿ̠⁶⁶-bʲo³³kɯ³³idiom习语fly here and there飞来飞去/fēi lái fēi qù/Eilmerxixl ci a, bexbex mel bbiucixl-bbiuge bbiu doxr. 到了晚上,蝙蝠一直飞来飞去。When night arrives, bats continually fly here and there.bbyqixl-bbygex by³³tʃʰi̠⁶⁶-by³³kɯ̠⁴⁴
bbiur bʲo²¹v.block; obstruct; restrain/lán/Ngua ake mel alddur nr zza a, zzeir mel zoxlzoxl a ngua ake ddir lei. Yel ngo bbiur dae saelnga. 我们家没有门,动物经常进来我们家。所以我只能拦着。Our home does not have a door, (so) the livestock always goes in the house. So I just have to block (them from coming in).Yar ddei niur ddei ngo dax eilpiar gga beix gel lei a, yel ngo yar leil bbiur gex gger dae a. 他的牛朝我这边跑过来,所以我(帮他)拦住了。His/her cow was running toward me here, so I obstructed it.Ngo yar dax gaxggor ssi a, yar ngo leil bbiur gex dae a, nr jjixr lei lol. 我去跟她玩,她拦着我不让我回来。I went out to play with him/her, (and) she blocked me, not letting (me) return.This word is used for blocking a person or animal from going forward.Compare 另见duarddaexrcirjiullaxrqiuzax gexduar tʷa²¹duar gex tʷa²¹ gɯ⁴⁴
bbiur bʲo²¹n.bee蜜蜂/mìfēng/Bbiur mel bbiurvi bei var. 蜜蜂会酿蜂蜜。Bees can make honey.Compare 另见bbiurbbebbiurdubbiurqiuxbbiurvibbiurxiaxrbbiur bʲo²¹
bbiurbbe bʲo²¹bɯ³³n.beehive 蜂窝/fēngwō/Yaa lu ddei leil bbiurbbe nrnel zza. 他们的墙上有两个蜂窝。There are two behives in their wall.The people dig holes into mud walls where the bees can make hives and produce honey.Compare 另见bbiurbbiurdubbiurqiuxbbiursulbbiurturxibbiurvibbiurxiaxrbbiurbbe bʲo²¹bɯ³³
bbiurdu bʲo²¹-tɤ³³n.wasp马蜂/mǎfēng/Bbiurdu mel bir bbiur leil vaer, ca leil zix arddeirnga bir bbiur leil larhor. 马蜂比蜜蜂还大,如果叮人的话比蜜蜂更严重。The wasp is bigger than the bee, if it stings a person it is more severe than a bee (sting).Compare 另见bbiurbbiurbbebbiurqiuxbbiurvibbiurvu-huillaellaelbbiurxiaxrbbiurdu bʲo²¹-tɤ³³
bbiurqiux bʲo²¹tʃʰʲo̠⁴⁴n.bee hive; honeycomb蜂巢/fēngcháo/Bbiurvi tu halcar a, bbiurxiaxr mel bbiurqiux ddei gga hher ji dae. 取蜂蜜的时候,蜜蜂幼虫在蜂巢里。When gathering honey, the bee larva is in the honeycomb.This is what is found in the wild; it is not man-made.Compare 另见bbiurbbiurbbebbiurdubbiurturxibbiurvibbiurvu-huillaellaelbbiurxiaxrbbiurqux bʲo²¹tʃʰy̠⁴⁴
bbiursul bʲo²¹sʮ⁵⁵n.wax/là/Qixnex naexr car a, ci ddei leil bbiursul hiex a mel, yarzi naexr so. 缝鞋子的时候,在线上上蜡的话,很好缝。When sewing shoes, if wax is rubbed on the thread, it is easy to sew.Compare 另见bbiurbbebbiursil bʲo²¹sɿ⁵⁵
bbiurturxi bʲo²¹tʰɤ²¹ʃi³³n.beehive (man-made)蜂房/fēngfáng/Yar zzaexggu gga bbiurturxi nrnel bei dol dae. 他在院子里做了两个蜂窝放着。S/he put two beehives in the courtyard.Compare 另见bbiurbbebbiurqiuxbbiurturxi bʲo²¹tʰɤ²¹ʃi³³
bbiurvi bʲo²¹-vi³³n.honey蜂蜜/fēngmì/Biurvi mel yarzi zzorci, yarzi ci. 蜂蜜很好吃,很甜。Honey is very delicious, (it is) very sweet.Compare 另见bbiurbbiurbbebbiurdubbiurqiuxbbiurxiaxrvibbiurhhe bʲo²¹-ɣɯ³³
bbiurvu-huillaellael bʲo²¹vɤ³³-xʷe⁵⁵ɮæ⁵⁵ɮæ⁵⁵n.stag beetle独角仙/dújiǎoxiān/Bbiurvu-huillaellael mel eilmerxixl sael ddux lei, eilnirggu mia nr ddo. 独角仙晚上才出来,白天看不见。The stag beetle comes out at night, and is not seen during the day.The /-huillaellael/ is an onomatopoeic word for the sound of the wings as it flies./-huillaellael/ 是一个拟声字,模拟独角仙飞行时,翅膀的声音。Compare 另见bbiurdubbiurqiuxbbiurxiaxrveixrmo-xultullul ve̠ʔ²¹mo³³-ʃy⁵⁵tʰɤ⁵⁵ɮɤ⁵⁵
bbiurxiaxr bʲo²¹ʃʲa̠ʔ²¹n.bee larva蜜蜂幼虫/mìfēng yòuchóng/Bbiurvi tu halcar a, bbiurxiaxr mel bbiurqiux ddei gga hher ji dae. 取蜂蜜的时候,蜜蜂幼虫在蜂巢里。When gathering honey, the bee larva is in the beehive.Compare 另见bbiurbbiurbbebbiurdubbiurqiuxbbiurvibbiurvu-huillaellaelbbiurxiaxr bʲo²¹ʃʲa̠ʔ²¹
bbixbbix-bbaxbbax bi̠⁴⁴bi̠⁴⁴-ba̠⁴⁴ba̠⁴⁴idiom习语noisy很吵/hěn chǎo/Yaa eilni seivi qie a, ca yarzi miur a, bbixbbix-bbaxbbax me doxr dae. 他们今天请客,人很多,一直很吵。They invited guests today, there are a lot of people, (and) it is continuously noisy.bbixbbix-bbaxbbax bi̠⁴⁴bi̠⁴⁴-ba̠⁴⁴ba̠⁴⁴
bbixr bi̠ʔ²¹n.coco yam; taro芋头/yùtóu/Bbixr mel yaxryol ardoxr lesel, valilimo, yelyemo ar taex a. 芋头有点像土豆,圆圆的,小小的一个。The coco yam is a bit like the potato, it is round and small.Compare 另见karlir
bbixr bi̠ʔ²¹
bbixrmo bi̠ʔ²¹mo³³n.dry reed旱芦苇/hàn lúwěi/Bbixrmo mel mel hielmi luzzi qir leil ner, niur lar zzor meixr, veixr mel zzor dil nr xie. 旱芦苇是长在地埂上,牛才喜欢吃,猪吃不进去。The dry reed grows on the edge of the paths through the dry fields, only the cows like to eat it, pigs can't get it down.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。Compare 另见moxrmoxrzzobbixrmo bi̠ʔ²¹mo³³
bbo bo³³1adj.bright/liàng/Xiubbo taex yarzi bbo. 月亮很亮。The moon is very bright.2v.shine/liàng/Arsae arxixl loxr a; yaa ake lae de bbo dae. 很晚了,他们家的灯还亮着。After it got very late at night, their home still had a light shining.3enlighten透露/tòulù/Ni ngo leil azo zzaegu gger, ngo leil arleixr bbo teixl la. 你给我什么东西,你给我透露一下。Enlighten me as to what thing you are giving me.Compare 另见bbobbolbbobbossae-bbossaebbo bo³³
bbobbolbbo bo³³bo⁵⁵bo³³1n.brightness; light亮光/liàngguāng/Neixmar a mel bbobbolbbo nr zza. 天黑了,没有亮光的。In the darkness there is no light.2adv.brightly亮地/liàng de/Yar ake bbobbolbbo bbo dae a. 他家里很亮地亮着。His/her house was shining brightly.Compare 另见bbiexrbbiexrbbiexlbbiexrbbobbosirbbo bo³³sɿ²¹bo³³
bbor bo²¹1CLF(eye; ear)只(耳朵,眼睛)/zhǐ (ěrduǒ, yǎnjīng)/Yar meixddur ar bbor no, yel no i ssi nia. 他有一只眼睛疼,所以要去看病。One of his/her eyes hurts, so (s/he) needs to go see a doctor.2(bracelet)(手镯)Yar mel sae leixrzzu ar bbor ddexr dae. 她带着一只金手镯。She is wearing a gold bracelet.3(hand; shoe; foot)(手;鞋子;脚)Yar qiehhexr bbor no a, zzizzi a ssi var a. 她的脚疼,只会慢慢的走。His/her foot hurts, (so s/he) can (only) go slowly.4(barrel)(桶)/tǒng/Tur eil bbor yarzibbor ddu dae ho a, ajjix ji nr cexr a. 这只桶的底已经通了不能装水了。After this barrel had a hole in the bottom, water couldn't be put in.bbor bo²¹
bbor bo²¹1CLFslice/piàn/Saerlil taex , cir bbor cir bbor ddaexr teixl lei a zzor. 把梨切成,一片一片吃。(When) cutting (a) pear, (it is) cut slice by slice and eaten.2adj.thin/báo/Yar hor ddaexr a, ho ddaexr ho bbor du lei a. 他切肉越切越薄起来了。When s/he was cutting meat, the more (s/he) cut, the thinner it got.Ni ddei pia xiux yarzi bbor, veixr dae lei le-nr-mel. 你的衣服很薄,穿着也不暖和。Your clothing is very thin, wearing it will not keep you warm.1. This is for a thin thing; not a thin person.形容东西,不用在形容瘦或单薄的人。The word /bborvivi/ emphasizes /bbor/ making it 'very thin 很薄'.For the sense 'slice' the ZhangJia version is /pir/. For the sense 'thin' the ZhangJia version is /bbor/.Compare 另见bborvivibbor bo²¹
-bbor bo²¹POST POS后置词sfxin; on上(面)/shàng (miàn)/Ca hal hhexr xi zi a, yaa xipaebbor ca cirke ngier dae. 那家人盖房子,他们家的房顶上站着很多人。When that family was building a house, there were a lot of people standing on their roof.Ngua xi ggaxrnebbor mel ajjix vaervaermo ar bbe zza. 我们房子上面有一塘(个)很大的水塘。Above our house (higher up on the mountain) is a large pool of water.Eilni mel yarzi zzix a, yel ni teixlsibbor pia ar xiux veixr dax dae nia. 今天很冷,所以你要穿一件上面(外衣)的衣服。Today is very cold, so (you) need to wear a layer of clothes on top (a coat).1. The locative word /zzar/ means 'in(side)' some structure. a. /nalzzar/ 'up in' b. /lavuzzar/ 'inside' c. /kukurzzar/ 'inside layer' d. /nixmox zzar/ 'in (the) heart'. /-zzar/ 这个表示位置的字的意思是 '内(部)的;里(面)的;内(侧)的' 有些结构像: a. /nalzzar/ '上面在内' b. /lavuzzar/ '里面' c. /kukurzzar/ '里面夹层' d. /nixmoxzzar/ '心里面'. There is overlap in the usage of the locative words /-bbaer/ and /-bbor/ /, but in general, the locative word /-bbaer/ is used when one location is related to a second location, person or thing. a. /giedaebbaer/ 'behind' (some other location, person or thing). b. /xilmeirbbaer/ 'in front of' (some other location, person or thing). c. /lamaebbaer/ 'outside” (of a container). d. /halbbaer/ 'over there' (from the perspective of a person 'over here' /eilbbaer/). e. /qierbbaer/ 'edge' (of something in contrast to the main body of the area). 方位词 /-bbaer/ 和 /-bbor/ 边/面 的用法有些重叠, 一般来说, 方位词 /-bbaer/ 是用于与第二个方位,人或物有相对关系的时候。a. /giedaebbaer/ '在 . . . 后面' (其他的位置,人或物). b. /xielmeirbbaer/ ' 在 . . . (其他的位置,人或物)的前面' . c. /lamaebbaer/ (在容器) '外面' . d. /halbbaer/ '那边' (从一个在) '这边' /eilbbaer/ (的人的观点来看). e. /qierbbaer/ (一个主体的) '边缘' . The locative word /-bbor/ means 'in; on'. a. /merlabbor/ 'in the sky'. b. /middurbbor/ 'on the earth'. c. /xiepaebbor/ 'on the roof'. But it also follows the pattern of /-bbaer/ when it follows the [DET.限定词] /eil/ 'this or /hal/ that' and means 'this side' (eilbbor), in contrast to 'that side' (halbbor) of some boundery like a road or a river, and with /yobbor/ 'on the right 右边' and /vaelbbor/ 'on the left 左边'. 方位词 /-bbor/ 的意思是 '内; 在 . . . 上'. a. /merlabbor/ '天空中'. b. /middurbbor/ '在地上'. c. /xiepaebbor/ '在屋顶上'. 但它也随着 /-bbaer/ 的模式当它跟在 [DET.限定词] /eil/ '这 or /hal/ 那' 之后来显明一条河或路的 '这一边' (eilbbor), 与 '那一边' (halbbor) 之对比, 此外还有 /yobbor/ '右边' 和 /vaelbbor/ '左边'. The noun /maex/ means 'place'. a. /halmaex/ 'that place. b. /eilmaex/ 'this place'. c. /arddolmaex/ 'where; what place'. d. /ar maex/ 'a place'. 方位词 /maex/ 意思是 '地方'. a. /halmaex/ '那个地方'. b. /eilmaex/ '这个地方'. c. /arddolmaex/ '什么地方'. d. /armaex/ '一个地方'. The noun /piar/ means 'edge' (of something), or the 'side' (of something). This is in contrast to the locative word /-bbor/ which simply is speaking of two apposing sides or places—over here vs. over there. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ 'the back edge/side'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ 'the two edges/sides of the river'. c. /mersi jia gex dae piar/ 'the side the wind blew on'. It also refers to direction. ːa. /yo piar/ 'right side'. b. /arddol piar gga ssi a/ 'going in whatever direction'. Or it means side, as in a group of people in competition with another group of peopleː. a. /eil piar nrnel; hal piar nrnel/ 'two on this side, two on that side'. b. /yar dax cir piar bei su/ 'those who were on the same side as s/he (was)'./piar/ 这个名词意思是之某物的一 '边', 或某物的 '旁边'. 与方位词 /-bbor/ 相对比 /-bbor/ 是指两个并列之物的两边或两个地方:在这里 或 在那里. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ '后面那一边'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ '河的两岸'. c. /mersi jial gex dae piar/ '凤吹的那一面'. 也可以用于指明方向. ːa. /yo piar/ '右边'. b. /arddol piar gga ssi a/ '无论去那一个方向'. 或是指在两组相对抗的人中支持那一边的人. a. /eil piar nrnel; hal piar nrnel/ '这一边(党派)两人,那一边(党派)两人'. b. /yar dax cir piar bei su/ '站在他这一边(支持他)'.Compare 另见bbugiedaebbaervaelbborwordabboryarzibboryobborbbor bo²¹
bbordu bo²¹tɤ³³n.harness马具/mǎjù/Bbordu ddei mur oldde ddei leil toxl gex dae a mel, arddol lei gga mal cexr. 马具套在马头上,牵到哪里都可以。(If) the harness is put on the horse's head, it is possible to lead (the horse) anywhere.Compare 另见loxrdebbordu bo²¹tɤ³³
bborji bo²¹tʃi³³1n.cheek脸颊/liǎnjiá/Aniuxssor bborji mel yarzi paxl, yarzi jjiurddo. 小孩子的脸颊很胖,很可爱。Small children's cheeks are very fat, (and) very cute.2CLF (verbal)slap耳光/ěrguāng/Ca nrnel a zzihie a, zzicarzzi leil ar bborji deil gger a. 俩个人吵架互相打了一个耳光。The two argued and gave each other a slap on the cheek.bborji bo²¹tʃi³³