Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



seirseirse²¹se²¹adj.good好好(的)/hǎohǎo (de)/Compare 另见seir
seirseir-zaezaese²¹-se²¹-tsɛ³³-tsɛ³³🔊idiom习语attractive; nice漂亮的/piàoliang de/Yar zzaegu vae a mel, seirseir-zaelzae halmel lar vae lei.他买东西,只会买好的,漂亮的。When s/he buys things, (s/he) is only willing to buy attractive things.Yar mel vaervaerpor leil ggese lol niazzir a, yar leil ddar seirseir-zaezae mel bbeix gger.他为了让领导高兴,给他说好的话。He wanted to make the leader happy, (so) he said very nice words to him/her.It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。
seissaexrse³³zæ̠ʔ²¹🔊v.like喜欢/xǐhuān/Yar ni leil yarzisael seissaexr dae ngo i teixl lei ddo.我能看得出来他很喜欢你。I could tell s/he likes you a very much.Ngo zzirbae zza a, ngo seissaexr dae pia hal xiux vae ssi nia.我有钱了,要去买我喜欢的那件衣服。(When) I have money, I'm going to buy that suit of clothes I like.This is primarily for a person being infatuated with another person of the opposite sex, but it can be used to like a thing. It would not be used for a parent loving his/her child--that would be /nolnger/ or /lizoxr/.Compare 另见lizoxrnolngerxiaxdeix ʃʲa̠⁴⁴te̠⁴⁴
seivise³³vi³³🔊n.guest客人/kèrén/Ggie baxl su hal hhexr ake seivi cirke lei a.办喜事的那家人的家里来了很多客人。A lot of guests came to the home (where that) family was putting on a wedding.Niul lei ggie baxl su hal hhexr dax seivi mu ssi nia.我们都要去办喜事的那家做客。We are all going to be guests of that family putting on a wedding.Compare 另见almerseiviseiveise³³ve³³
seixse̠⁴⁴🔊ASP (experiential)(expresses that an action occurred or not)/guò/Ssormaer ar ddei zza, yar mel cirni-cirni lei oldde no a, cirleixr lei nor nr seix ceinir koxl nga a.有个女人,他每天都头疼,一会儿都没停过十二年了。There was a women, she had a headache every day, (it hurt) continuously without stopping for twelve years.Halleix ngo ye seir, pia lei cir pixl seix a.以前我小的时候,连衣服都洗丢过。Before when I was still young, (I) even lost clothes while washing (them).Yar yarbbor leil bbeix: "Ni i, hormo koxl nei goxr si lei a; ngo ni ddar-nr-no bei nr seix!"他对他父亲说:“你看,好几年过来了,我没有过不听你的话!”S/he said to his/her father, "Look, all these years have passed, (and) it has never happened that I have disobeyed you!"Ca hal ddei yarzi nr seir, yar ngo leil ci seix a!那个人很不好,他欺负过我。That person is very bad, s/he has bothered me!Yar mel yarzi seir, ca cir ddei leil lei ci nr seix.她很好,没有欺负过一个人。S/he is very good, s/he has never bothered even one person.Compare 另见beilgoxrseixse̠⁴⁴
seixlse̠⁶⁶🔊v.kill; slaughter/shā/Eilni ngua veixr seixl a, ni ngua dax almeixr zzor lei ngo!今天我家杀猪,你到我家来吃饭吧!Today we are slaughtering a pig, come eat with us!Compare 另见horseixlseixlziggiezzoseixlseixlse̠⁶⁶
seixlse̠⁶⁶🔊n.breath/qì/Ca mel seixl qir ceix ho a mel dder si a.人断了(那)口气就死了。After people's breath stops (they) died.Compare 另见seixlhoseixlse̠⁶⁶
seixldase̠⁶⁶ta³³🔊adj.shy害羞/hàixiū/Ssormaer hal ddox mel seixlda a, zeixleixr lei ca miur ggie ssi nr seix.那个女孩害羞,从来没有去过人多的地方。That girl is shy, (she) has never gone to a place (where there are) a lot of people.Compare 另见qiaxrmeix zzi nr zzaqiaxrmeix zzi tuseixldaddoyixrsixr nr zzaseixldase̠⁶⁶ta³³
seixldaddose̠⁶⁶ta³³-do³³🔊adj.disgraceful; embarrassing; shameful可耻的/kěchǐ de/Yar mel zoxlzoxl a yarzi nr seir yarzi seixldaddo halmel bei.他经常做很不好很可耻的那些。S/he always does very bad very shameful things.Compare 另见=ddoseixldaseixldadduseixldaddaxse̠⁶⁶ta³³-da̠⁴⁴
seixldadduse̠⁶⁶ta³³dɤ³³n.shameful thing可害羞的事/kě hàixiū de shì/Kerjiar a mel seixldaddu ar ddei a.通奸的是一件可耻的事。Adultery is a shameful thing.Compare 另见seixldaddoseixlda laboxse̠⁶⁶ta³³ la³³po̠⁴⁴
seixleixr-goxjiaxse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹-go̠⁴⁴tʃʲa̠⁴⁴🔊idiom习语lay on one's back脸面朝天/lián miàn cháo tiān/Capor hal ddei zzibbaer ddayixr a, seixleixr-goxjiax jjiumo car gga guir dae.那个男人喝醉了酒,脸面朝天的躺在路上。That man was drunk, (and) lay on his back in the road.In some contexts this has a sexual connotation.Compare 另见seixleixr-guxjiaxsaxleixr-goxjiaxsa̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹-go̠⁴⁴tʃʲa̠⁴⁴
seixleixr-guxjiaxse̠⁴⁴ɮe̠ʔ²¹-gɤ⁴⁴tʃʲa̠⁴⁴idiom习语lay on one's back脸面朝天/lián miàn cháo tiān/Compare 另见seixleixr-goxjiax
seixlhose̠⁶⁶-xo³³v.breathe呼吸/hūxī/Meir nei noxlbbex lei seixlho cexr.嘴和鼻子都可以呼吸。The mouth and nose can breathe.Compare 另见seixlseixlhose̠⁶⁶-xo³³
seixlpeixlse̠⁶⁶pʰe̠⁶⁶🔊n.leaf叶子/yèzi/Seixlpeixl mel, almer lei zi nael, yarzi nibaex; zzixzi ci a nael, bbae du a.叶子下雨的时候很绿,到了冬天,要落了。Leaves, when it is time for rain, are very green; when winter arrives, (they) fall.When the word 'leaf' is used in the context that includes the tree to which it belongs, the /seixl-/ is dropped and /yar-/ is substituted. So 'tree leaf' is /sixzzei hal ddei yarpeixl/.Compare 另见peixlsixpeixlyarpeixlsixpeixl sɿ⁴⁴pʰe̠⁶⁶
seixl zise̠⁶⁶ tsɿ³³🔊v.sacrifice杀祭/shajì/Yaa hhexr ddei niurmodo ddei niurssor ar ddei cer a, yel yaa seirpormar ddei leil yix seixl zi dae.他们家的母牛下了一头小牛,所以他们在杀鸡祭神。Their family's cow gave birth to a calf, so they offered a chicken sacrifice to the local spirit.seixl jise̠⁶⁶ tʃi³³
seixlziggiese̠⁶⁶tsɿ³³-gʲɛ³³n.altar祭坛/jìtán/Yoxrtaexl su ca mel zoxlzoxl a seixlziggie ssi a Arbosobo leil zzeir seixl zi.犹太人经常去祭坛杀动物祭拜上帝。Jews often go to the alter to sacrifice an animal to God.Compare 另见ake hhexr ddei xiuggiehorseixllorseixlseixlzizziseixlzzoseixlseixljiggiese̠⁶⁶tsɿ³³-gʲɛ³³
seixl zilse⁶⁶ tsɿ⁵⁵🔊v.kill; murder杀死/shā sǐ/Yar yix seixl a yarzi seixl sexr, cirleixr dder seixl zil gger a.他杀鸡杀得很厉害,一小会就杀死了。S/he is very good at killing chickens, (s/he) kills (chickens) very quickly.seixl belse̠⁶⁶ pɯ⁵⁵
seixrse³³n.layer/miàn/Hhexrturxi naexr a mel, nr seixr a zzi leil dux gex xixl lei nia.缝插针包,要两面拼在一起。When sewing a pin cushion, two layers need to be put together.seixrse̠ʔ²¹
seixseixlseixse̠⁴⁴se̠⁶⁶se̠⁴⁴v.(word that expresses the pain of a cut); sharp (pain)(这个词是用来形容被刀划破了疼痛的感觉。);强烈地疼/qiángliè de téng/Yar fa nr saexl a altor caer dae a, seixseixlseix no lei no wor nr xie a.他不小心被刀划到了强烈地疼痛,疼得受不了了。S/he was not careful and cut himself/herself with a knife and could not stand the sharp pain.xixsirxix
seixzzise̠⁴⁴dzɿ³³🔊adj.clear; transparent清晰/qīngxī/Lurddur gga ajjix mel zoxlzoxl a lei seixzzizzimo.井里的水经常都是清晰晰的。The water in the well is always clear.Vixiur eil zex gga ajjix mel yarzi seixzzi.这条小溪里的水很清晰。The water in this stream is very clear.1. This is only used for liquids.seixzzi ~ zziseix.Compare 另见ibeiddozziseixseixjjise̠⁴⁴dʒi³³
sersə²¹🔊1v.interrogate审问/shěnwèn/Yar ca seixl a, vaervaerpor mel yar leil ser ho a dder, yar leil si lol.他杀人,领导审问他以后,就让他死。S/he killed a person, (and) the after the authorities interrogated him/her, (they) sentenced him/her to death.2judge审判/shěnpàn/Zzaexpor mel si ddei zzaegu ker a mel, vaervaerpor mel yaa leil ser leilei.小偷们偷别人的东西,领导会审判他们。If a thief steals someone's thing, the leader(s) will judge him/her.loan借词Compare 另见serpaxlserpaxlsusersə²¹
sersə²¹🔊n.teeth; tooth牙齿/yáchǐ/Zoxlzoxl a ser cir a mel, ser ddei leil yarzi seir.经常涮牙对牙齿很好。(If a person) frequently washes (brushes) (his/her)̠ teeth, it is very good for the teeth.sersə²¹
serbberzzorsə²¹bɯ²¹dzo²¹🔊n.cavity; tooth decay蛀牙/zhùyá/Silbbiur zzor miur a mel, serbberzzor var.红糖吃多了,会蛀牙。If (someone) eats a lot of brown sugar, (s/he) will get tooth decay.serbberzzorsə²¹bɯ²¹dzo²¹
serpaxlsə²¹pʰa̠⁶⁶🔊v.judge审判/shěnpàn/Ni bei cox a mel cexrssexl nia, yel vaervaerpor mel dder ni leil serpaxl nr var.你做错了要承认,领导们就不会审判你。If you do what is wrong (you) should admit it, then those in authority will not judge you.The /-paxl/ can be left off.loan借词Compare 另见serserpaxlsə²¹pʰa̠⁶⁶
serpaxlsusə²¹pʰa̠⁶⁶sɥ³³n.judge审判官/shěnpàn guān/Compare 另见casersufarguaser