Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



ajiulqie ʔa³³tʃʲo⁵⁵n.uncle; fourth oldest maternal uncle; mother's fourth oldest brother四舅/sì jiù/Ngama arzzi-nimar zza arddeirnga a, liler ddei leil ngo "ajiulqie" ae. 如果我妈妈有兄弟的话,第四个我叫“ajiulqieqie”。If my mother has brothers, I call the fourth (oldest) brother "ajiulqie".1. /ajiulqie/ becomes /-jiulqie/ following /yar-/, /nia-/ or /nga-/./ajiulqie/ 变为 /-jiulqie/,跟在 /yar-/, /nia-/ 或 /nga-/ 之后。There are five levels for the term maternal 'uncle'. If a person actually has five maternal uncles, the youngest uncle is /ajiul-daellael/; the next one or second one going up in age is: /ajiul(qie)qie/; the third one going up in age is: /ajiul(bbaex)bbaex/; the fourth one going up in age is: /ajiul(leix)leix/; the fifth one going up in age, i.e. the oldest maternal uncle is: /ajiul(vaer)vaer/ or /ajiul-marmar/.ajiulqie ~ ajiulqieqie.Compare 另见ajiul-qieqieajuxlqie ʔa³³tʃy̠⁶⁶-tʃʰʲɛ³³
ajiul-qieqie ʔa³³tʃʲo⁵⁵-tʃʰʲɛ³³-tʃʰʲɛ³³n.fourth oldest maternal uncle; mother's fourth oldest brother四舅/sì jiù/Compare 另见ajiulqieajuxlqie ʔa³³tʃy̠⁶⁶-tʃʰʲɛ³³
ajiulvaer ʔa³³tʃʲo⁵⁵-væ²¹n.uncle; mother's oldest brother; oldest maternal uncle大舅/dà jiù/1. /ajiulvaer/ becomes /-jiulvaer/ following /yar-/, /nia-/ or /nga-/. /ajiulvaer/ 变为 /-jiulvaer/,跟在 /yar-/, /nia-/ 或 /nga-/ 之后。 ajiulvaer ~ ajiulvaervaer ~ ajiul-marmar.There are five levels for the term maternal 'uncle'. If a person actually has five maternal uncles, the youngest uncle is /ajiul-daellael/; the next one or second one going up in age is: /ajiul(qie)qie/; the third one going up in age is: /ajiul(bbaex)bbaex/; the fourth one going up in age is: /ajiul(leix)leix/; the fifth one going up in age, i.e. the oldest maternal uncle is: /ajiul(vaer)vaer/ or /ajiul-marmar/.Compare 另见ajiul-marmarajiul-vaervaerajuxlvaer ʔa³³tʃy̠⁶⁶-væ²¹
ajiul-vaervaer ʔa³³tʃʲo⁵⁵-væ²¹-væ²¹uncle; mother's oldest brother; oldest maternal uncle大舅/dà jiù/Compare 另见ajiul-marmarajiulvaerajuxlvaer ʔa³³tʃy̠⁶⁶-væ²¹
ajjix ʔa³³dʒi̠⁴⁴n.water/shuǐ/Bbie gga ajjix ardoxr dox ji ssa ssa? 要不要在瓶子里倒一点水?Pour a little water into the jar, OK?Compare 另见ajjix bbeddurajjix sixlhhe ɣɯ³³
ajjix bbeddur ʔa³³dʒi̠⁴⁴ bɯ³³dv̩²¹n.pond; puddle; water hole池塘/chítáng/Ajjix bbeddur ddei yarzi neixl a, ngo vixluxtaer nr bel. 池塘很深,我不敢游泳。The lake is very deep, (and) I don't dare swim.This is any dip in the ground that holds water./ajjix bbeddur/ 是任何在地上可积水的坑或凹陷。Compare 另见ajjixbbeddurvi bbeddurhhe bbeddur ɣɯ³³ bɯ³³dv̩²¹
ajjix sixl ʔa³³dʒi̠⁴⁴ sɿ̠⁶⁶adj.thirsty/kě/Ngua nrnel ajjix sixl zildu a dder saer vae lel ssi. 我们俩个口渴极了,就去买水果吃。We both were extremely thirsty for a drink of water so we went to buy some fruit to eat.Any liquid can be put before the word /sixl/ 'thirsty' to make it 'thirsty (for something)'.在 /sixl/ 'thirsty 渴'此字之前可以放任何液体的字(意即想要饮用该液体)。Compare 另见ajjixsixlhhe sixl ɣɯ³³ sɿ̠⁶⁶
ake ʔa³³kʰɯ³³n.home/jiā/Ngua nrnel caezi cux dae a, ake jjixr. 我们两个就坐着车子回家了。We two rode a car, (and) returned home.The verb /cux/ 'sit' translates as 'ride' in this context.动词 /cux/ ‘坐’在这个上下文的语境翻译成‘乘’。Compare 另见ake caake guaxrsuake hhexr ddei xiuake ʔa³³kʰɯ³³
ake bei v.do housework做家务/zuò jiāwù/Eini ngo kebal miar nr bei ssi, ake bei lalnga. 今天我不去做其他的事,只是在家里做家务。Today I'm not going to do other tasks, (I'm) just going to do housework.ake bei
ake ca ʔa³³kɯ³³ tsʰa³³n.family member家人/jiā rén/Yar ddei ake ca mel niul ddei ake ca mel sael a zzicarzzi leil per-nr-niar. 他的家人像我们的家人彼此不相爱。The people in his/her family do not love each other like the people in our family.Compare 另见akeake ca seirporcacirssorgahhexrjiacuxrnaerhoake ca ʔa³³kɯ³³ tsʰa³³
ake ca seirpor n.member of the household主人家/zhǔrén jiā/Ake ca seirpor mel ake hher dae a mel, zzaexpor mel ker ssi nr bel. 主人家在家里的时候,小偷不敢去偷。 If the members of the household are home, a thief won't dare steal (from them).Compare 另见ake caake guaxrsuake ca seirpor
ake ddexʔa³³kʰɯ³³-də̠⁴⁴🔊v.support a family建立家庭/jiànlì jiātíng/Ca pia mel ake ddex du lei nr xie. 不负责任的人,不能建立家庭。Irresponsible people can not support a household.ake ddex ~ hhexr ddexCompare 另见ddexhhexr ddexjiaddex-hhexrddexddex də̠⁴⁴
ake guaxrsu ʔa³³kʰɯ³³ kʷa̠ʔ²¹ sʮ³³n.head of the house主人/zhǔrén/Ngua mermi ake guaxrsu ddei mel capor bei zza wo. 我们地方,家里的主人习惯是男人做。Where we are from the man is normally the head of the house.Compare 另见=suakeake ca seirporguaxrhhexrake guaxr si ʔa³³kʰɯ³³ kʷa̠ʔ²¹ sɿ³³
ake hhexr ddei xiu ʔa³³kʰɯ³³ ɣɯ²¹ de³³ ʃʲo³³n.alter; house alter家坛/jiātán/Ngua Loxrlapor mel cirhhexr-hanga lei lebbor ake hhexr ddei xiu ar ddei zza. 我们每一家彝族人在楼上都有一个家坛。We Central Yi people all have a house alter (to the ancestor) spirits upstairs.This is also called /porpor jiatar/ 'ancestor house.alter' with the /jiatar/ being a Mandarin Chinese loan./ake hhexr ddei xiu/ 也叫 /porpor jiatar/ ‘祭祖家坛’其中 /jiatar/ 是汉语借词。Compare 另见akehhexrporpor hhexrporpor jiataxrseixlziggiexiu
jiata tʃʲa³³tʰa³³
akiexlaex ʔa³³kʰʲæ̠⁴⁴ɮæ̠⁴⁴n.fresh-water clam贝壳/bèiké/Akiexlaex mel ajjix gga hher ji dae saelnei gol cexr. 贝壳在水里才能活。The fresh-water clam has to be in the water to live.This is the word for a 'fresh-water clam 贝壳' for the people in MaYou. This is the word for a 'snail 蜗牛' for the people in ZhangJia./akiexlae/ 此字在马游是指‘淡水贝壳’。 在张家此字是‘蜗牛’。akiexlaex ʔa³³kʰʲæ̠⁴⁴ɮæ̠⁴⁴
albor ʔa⁵⁵po²¹n.son儿子/érzi/Ngabbor ngama albor ar ddei zza. 我爸爸我妈妈有一个儿子。My mother and father have one son."Albor, ni gger lei a, ngo leil arleixr beijjiu!" “儿子,你过来帮助我一下!”"Son, come here (and) help me a bit!"1. The term /albor/ can be used as a term of address, i.e., "Son, come here." While the term, /ssor/ 'son' can never be used that way--unless a person is angry and speaking extremely impolitely. /albor/ can be used for any boy in a person's son's generation while /ssor/ is only used for a person's real son. She gave birth to a /ssor/ 'son' or /ssormaer/ 'daughter'. You would never say /albor/ or /allor/ for this context. /albor/ 这个字可以用于直接的称呼,譬如说,“儿子,过来。”但 /ssor/ ‘儿子’这一个字则不能如此用--除非有人生气 时非常不礼貌地如此说。/ngabbor/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /arbbor/; /ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/./ngabbor/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词;/ngama/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Compare 另见allorssorssormaeralye ʔa⁵⁵ʝɛ³³
alborssor ʔa⁵⁵po²¹-zo²¹n.little boy小男孩/xiǎo nánhái/Aborssor, ni gger lei a, ngo leil arleixr beijjiu. 小男孩,你过来帮助我一下。Son, come here, help me a bit.1. This term is also used in direct reference, i.e., "Son, come here." While the term, /ssor/ 'son' can never be used that way--unless a person is angry or speaking extremely impolitely.It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。
alcur ʔa⁵⁵tsʰɥ²¹n.thorn/cì/Alcur mel yarzi teix, qixnex zibbor lei ngox dil lei var. 刺很尖,写地上也能扎得进来。Thorns are very sharp, they can stick into the bottom of the shoe.Compare 另见alcur cilialddaexralzzir ʔa⁵⁵dzɿ²¹
alcur cili ʔa⁵⁵tsʰʮ²¹ tsʰɿ³³ɮi³³n.thornbush荆刺/jīngcì/Alcur cili mel gga silbbar ner teixl lei a. 荆刺里长出了草。Grass is growing among the thornbushes.1. /cili/ is for plants, animals or people. /cir/ 'group ' is similar but is not used with plants. /gexli/ is used only with plants. /alcur cili/ and /alcur gexli/ are the same thing but /alcur gexli/ is more dense than /alcur cili/./alcur cili/ /cili/ 用于植物,动物或人。/cir/‘group 群' 的用法相似,但不用于植物。/gexli/ 只用于植物。/alcur cili/ 和 /alcur gexli/ 是一样的东西,但 /alcur gexli/ 比 /alcur cili/ 浓密。alcur cili ~ alcur gexliCompare 另见alcuralcur gellialzzir gelli ʔa⁵⁵dzɿ²¹ kɯ⁵⁵ɮi³³
alcur gelli ʔa⁵⁵tsʰʮ²¹ kɯ⁵⁵ɮi³³n.thornbush荆刺/jīngcì/Compare 另见alcur cilialzzir gelli ʔa⁵⁵dzɿ²¹ kɯ⁵⁵ɮi³³
alcursaer neixlneix ʔa⁵⁵tsʰɥ²¹-sæ²¹ ne̠⁶⁶ne̠⁴⁴n.blackberry (wild)野黑莓/yě hēiméi/Alcursaer neixlneix zzor a mel, meir ddei neix var. 吃有刺的黑果子的话,嘴会黑。When blackberries are eaten, the mouth will be (stained) black.alzzirsaer neixlneix ʔa⁵⁵dzɿ²¹-sæ²¹ ne̠⁶⁶ne̠⁴⁴
alddaexr ʔa⁵⁵dæ̠ʔ²¹n.burr; thistle/jì/Alddaexr mel yarzi vuxryixrddo; pia leil lei niaxl var. 蓟很讨厌,会粘衣服。Thistles are disgusting; they stick (to your) clothes.Compare 另见alcuralddaexr ʔa⁵⁵dæ̠ʔ²¹
alddur ʔa⁵⁵dv̩²¹n.door/mén/Alddur ggapu gger la, ama jjixr lei a! 开一下门,妈妈回来了!Open the door, mother has returned!1. This example sentence comes from a traditional story.The classifier that goes with this word is /peixl/.量词:/peixl/Compare 另见alddur-susualddur ʔa⁵⁵dv̩²¹
alddur ddarlarzi ʔa⁵⁵dv̩²¹ da²¹la²¹tzɿ³³n.threshhold门槛/ménkǎn/ Aniux hal ddox beix gel lei a, alddur ddarlarzi ddei yar leil baxlguirle gger a. 那个孩子跑过来,门槛把他绊倒了。That child ran across and fell over the threshhold.alddur ddarlarji ʔa⁵⁵dv̩²¹ da²¹la²¹tʃi³³
alddur lagexddu ʔa⁵⁵dv̩²¹ ɮa³³kɯ̠⁴⁴dɤ³³n.door bolt门闩/mén shuān/Eilmerxixl mel alddur lagexddu ddei la gex dae nia. 晚上要肖上门闩。At night the door bolt needs to be pulled in place.The /alddur lagexddu/ is a long wooden board or bolt that is pulled across the door on the inside to lock the old-fashioned wooden doors. The /xiugexddu/ is the metal store-bought lock for the newer metal doors that has the short bar that is pushed through a hole to lock the door.Compare 另见xiu gexalddur sogexddu ʔa⁵⁵dv̩²¹ so³³kɯ̠⁴⁴dɤ³³